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  1. #1

    Default Kato hilig Recording, Mixing & Mastering!

    halo ninu mga bai, taga dumaguete ko n walay lingaw kung walay klase, kato mga hilig sa topic sa taas sturyahi ko ninu beh, chikka charness hehehe,

  2. #2

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    check out sound on sound para mga topics

  3. #3

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    wat diay nang mixing mastering post


  4. #4

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    katong naay hilig sa topic, mag share ta ug chikka charness about mixing and mastering sa music

  5. #5

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    unsa man imo gusto mahibaw-an bai?

  6. #6

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    sturya hanay ragud ta mga bai, hmmmm..tig gamit mu izotope ozone

  7. #7

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    kuan nalang, compression techs..
    unsa inyo ganahan butangan ug compressor and reasons why...

  8. #8

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    IMHO, in mixing, you only need compressors if the player is not that excellent with his instrument. But, if you need to change the sound's attack or characteristics in an artistic way, you can also employ compressors.

    In mastering, compressors can be used to fatten and glue the track. Every compressor's has its own characteristics and it's up to you to choose what suits for a particular track.

    After all, this is very subjective. There's no right or wrong.

  9. #9

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    yup compressors differ in every way you put it, hey kabantay mu sa waves na c1 n kato ila renaisance na compressor? nice sya para sa overall
    feel sa music, sometimes in synthesized tracks i put an Rcomp sa submix n a very little convulsion reverb, lami sya at times

  10. #10

    Default Re: kato hilig recording, mixing & mastering post mu dri mga bai!!

    Would there be a big difference if I use a Mac (using iyaha ra na software) to record VERSUS a windows recording program/software?

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