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  1. #111

    Default Empty your cup

    Quote Originally Posted by mckoy_slipstream View Post
    so many answers yet they dont point to the exact thing. sad.. sige na lang ta general idea ani. you started a thread ofw bank, but it seems that you opened a can of worm. and when being asked how to go about this, you'll say that this is not for everyone, that pralala, etc.

    You are playing the rules according to those set by others. We shall play of the games by our own rules and principles. While your speak of virtual income, is not the same as the kind of "virtual income" that I have envisioned. Your virtual income - fluctuates with stock prices, my virtual income does not fluctuate in value and is absolute in value. Confusing and mind blowing

    im not playing by the rules, i abide by them. try to established your bank kaya with ypur own rules? basin magkita mo ni mayor sanchez sa kulungan?

    you seemed not get my suggestion to try trading paper money. i trade stocks and its with real money. i belong to the 1% of traders in this country. so please dont tell me to think out of the box cause we do that everyday.

    stocks do fluctuate, cause its subjected to the laws of economics and that's reality.

    absolute value. i have $10,000,000,000 in my mind and it will never fluctuate if it stays in my mind. in the real world, it will. just a penny less will change the entire figure.

    i asked direct questions yet you keep on diverting. daghan man ka sulti. try kaya to imagine us being your prospective clients? you cant convinced us to support your ideas or your bank if ingana ra imong present namo.
    From the Taoist principle, also used by Bruce Lee - If you want to drink my tea, empty your cup. I know you are brillant and far better than I am and will achieve far greater heights, take a vacation and empty your cups. The other day, I saw a "parallel" concept in the newspapers - that was very very very close. You will later say, why didn't I think of that. It is so so so simple. Once, you get a feel of it, you can't sleep to get this going. I reckon, others may have figured it out the mechanism.

    The only value that will affect "virtual income" concept is inflation or purchasing power. Keep on punching...

  2. #112

    Default Reaching out for the STARS

    Quote Originally Posted by aenigma143 View Post
    Usa ra akong masulti

    That is a very creative thought !!! You see, that is what is one of the most essential element, thinking beyond boundaries. Reaching out to the stars beyond our planetsss.. Aliens..You have those creative mind - in process churning out already in you as I stimulate your thinking, all energy of thinking is focused there, let's make the most out of it.. This is now the time to convert those creative thinking and make true of the principle of "knowledge is power". Information Technology - is there. Managing information is Power. This is what made people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Einstein etc., know how. We should have the desire to create our very very own process and procedures.

    These people don't believe in education, they set the rules of their destiny. They believe they have something better to offer than what are taught in schools. Existing rules that we have have only set us to the bottom in the asian economy. With the existing rules we have not achieve anything decent. 4.5 millions filipino families involuntarily hungry, on the other hand we are the 5th richest country in economic resources. Something is terribly, terribly, terribly wrong here.

    If we continue to do the things we always did, we will always get what we always got. If you had a chance to do things differently to lead our people out of misery what would you do?( BTW, with all due respect, you may not be that concerned about hunger and poverty so this question may not be for you, but for other readers) That will stimulate you to find the answers and create the mechanisms of how and what to do to change the situation we are in.

    We need to have people who have common passion and desire to move out of this "stinking pit". There is no need to blame government and politicians. I am looking for more "good samaritans" to join me in this common ground. What and how the mechanism works is another matter, at the moment we need "good samaritans", the next essential element. Because we can be better than Singapore, or even Japan.

    Times have changed, we need people who have changed their minds and willing to go out of their comfort zones rather than complain left and right about corruption, government, etc., There is more good to come, that is what is unbelievable about this system.

  3. #113

    Default Re: Empty your cup

    Quote Originally Posted by EsoyLegaspi View Post
    From the Taoist principle, also used by Bruce Lee - If you want to drink my tea, empty your cup. I know you are brillant and far better than I am and will achieve far greater heights, take a vacation and empty your cups. The other day, I saw a "parallel" concept in the newspapers - that was very very very close. You will later say, why didn't I think of that. It is so so so simple. Once, you get a feel of it, you can't sleep to get this going. I reckon, others may have figured it out the mechanism.

    The only value that will affect "virtual income" concept is inflation or purchasing power. Keep on punching...
    eto na naman tayo. taoist principle na naman. go back to your topic "ofw bank". my question is damn simple. "how?" same question that will be ask by the SEC as well.

    read guidelines for a simple lending business, not like the atm prenda thing: How to Start a Lending Company in the Philippines | Business Tips Philippines

    now with a bank, multiply what you read by a billion, almost the same process but more complex. and what about the ofw bank? dont talk principles with me. im asking realistic questions.

    you know, i admire your aquaphonics. its simple, realistic, with projections, amount, etc. but with your ofw bank, do the same. give me exact relevance. dont give me principles.

    and please, nothing can affect virtual income, not even inflation. money that you dont have will never be subjected to economic swings. if you cant provide reliable information, rather than just principles. then we are all wasting time. you started a thread ofw bank, with some outline purpose. now give us info on how you intend to do it. dont say your going to make your own rules. we heard that before.

  4. #114

    Default The Parallelism of two distinct concepts

    Quote Originally Posted by mckoy_slipstream View Post
    eto na naman tayo. taoist principle na naman. go back to your topic "ofw bank". my question is damn simple. "how?" same question that will be ask by the SEC as well.

    read guidelines for a simple lending business, not like the atm prenda thing: How to Start a Lending Company in the Philippines | Business Tips Philippines

    now with a bank, multiply what you read by a billion, almost the same process but more complex. and what about the ofw bank? dont talk principles with me. im asking realistic questions.

    you know, i admire your aquaphonics. its simple, realistic, with projections, amount, etc. but with your ofw bank, do the same. give me exact relevance. dont give me principles.

    and please, nothing can affect virtual income, not even inflation. money that you dont have will never be subjected to economic swings. if you cant provide reliable information, rather than just principles. then we are all wasting time. you started a thread ofw bank, with some outline purpose. now give us info on how you intend to do it. dont say your going to make your own rules. we heard that before.
    Hi mckoy,
    The principle of OFW-bank functions like aquaponics !!- the more you "purchased feed" the fish, the more the fish poo you produce - the more you poo your produce the more plants you produce, the more plants you feed the fish, the more the fish poo, the more the fish poo, the more the plants, the principle is to develop that "critical mass" wherein you don't need to purchase. The "critical mass" is when you develop your system to be truly self-sustaining-self supporting. You do not rely on outside purchase feeds. No money on feeds (except electricity). Your momentum has reached a limit that your "cycle-wheel" or Flywheel, spins on its own, with almost ZERO push.

    Again, it is like talking in parables, you hate it and it irritates you. No offense intended, but again aquaponics as a concept is not for everyone though many will not like it or agree with it. Likewise, this concept is beyond anything else and not many will agree and like it, thus I say it is not for everyone. Some people tell me, why produce your own fish and veggies where you can buy cheaply in the supermarket. Right-on. So for the bright and practical people, aquaponics is not for them. Ok.

    Aquaponics is for those "health conscious" who understand the impact of food quality on health. They are willing to put in effort for this quality-toxin free food that they know what they are eating. Likewise, my OFW-bank concept is not for everyone who want to make easy money with attractive returns. It is for those, who like to think and design systems-business, create opportunities with zero almost base capital !!!! That means, we start with what we have. Brains..and collaborations...

    You can start your own aquaponics system with the equipment you may already have at your home. Hence, you can start with almost ZERO cost for the system and perhaps start with 1 pair of fish and let it evolve, create the momentum and start with such a simple setup. Expand as you go along. That is how, the system will work in parallelism. Learn while learning the process, then enhance it further. We are now developing a system to able to achieve "Hydroponic" level of performance using DWC (Deep Water Culture), yet we hope to yield results better than Hydroponics-ultimate objective. We are still a long way, but we are getting there. Australia-australians has done it. We can do it, we just have to work harder at perfecting the system.

    Understanding parables is not easy...I will interpret it to those who are willing to put their hearts and mind to what we commonly believe. For those who can interpret it, they know they are there already. Both systems will evolve, it is not yet perfect just like my DWC, but when you see things "live and growing" your smile reaches up to your ears.

  5. #115

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    i would disagree on this one. aquaponics is not the same as that ofw bank of yours. aquaponic is achievable. fishes are real. you say start from zero based cost? what about the fish? do they just appear on the water you put in the tank? nope. they won't. so you have to buy them initially.

    how can the ofw bank function without initial cost? will the money flowing around to support educational plans just appear? nope. you'll need a system to make it appear and grow. aquaponics can survived, same with how fishes can survive in a small aquarium. but can a bank sustain without money flow? nope. this is not parable. this is reality. you buy fish, you put them in water, you feed them, they'll survive. you wont need to pay for tne air they breath since the moment you place them in a tank, you already gave them life and chance to multiply by simply replicating the environment where they live, though in smaller area.

    while a bank. bank needs money and manpower. bank dont need air, it breaths on money. and people needs assurance that their money can grow. money and fishes are not the same species. money gone is a problem, fish in the tank dies, who cares. and ofw worked so hard to earn money. show me how to convinced them to deposit a penny to your bank.

    you always say think out of the box though you keep on saying its not for everyone. you are already diminishing the ideas you started. aquaponics is okey with me. but saying that a bank will survive without money is a senseless debate.

    let me point out why:

    as you posted and thinking out of the box,

    Do you want to be part of a bank without investing anything? ZERO outlay?

    Do you want to see how your bank is being managed in “real-time” and transactions that unfold before your eyes, , access documents anytime?

    Do you want to have a bank of your own that will help you run your business, provide reasonable loan rates and nurture and guide you through your growing stage?

    Do you want to be part of a bank that will help you build your quality homes in quality subdivision developed by OFW-developer, financed by OFW-Bank?

    Do you want to be fully aware of the SALN of your bank officers, their wives, their children? Your bank officers are paid higher than industry standard. Transparency in the Internet.

    investing with zero outlay? how? and why would there be SALN when there is no money involved? where will the money for loans and housing come from? and how will the bank maintain a system that needs serious programs to monitor transactions? pay for internet bills, infrastructures and equipments?

    eh sa start pa lang gastos na nakikita ko dyan. and you add pa na you'll create your own rules? anu ba to? lokohan? im just being realistic. dont compare aquaponics since its realistic enough. how will you go about answering your own questions about this ofw bank of yours? and don't tell me you never needed permit to start your own aquaponics business. i may have to ring BIR for that, and even BFAR.

  6. #116

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    si God nalang ipamanage ana imong OFW bank bro

  7. #117

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    Basin guro ang "OFW BANK" nga gihunahuna aning TS kay for "PERSONAL USE ONLY"....

  8. #118

    Default Process Designing in the Virtual World

    Quote Originally Posted by mckoy_slipstream View Post
    i would disagree on this one. aquaponics is not the same as that ofw bank of yours. aquaponic is achievable. fishes are real. you say start from zero based cost? what about the fish? do they just appear on the water you put in the tank? nope. they won't. so you have to buy them initially.

    how can the ofw bank function without initial cost? will the money flowing around to support educational plans just appear? nope. you'll need a system to make it appear and grow. aquaponics can survived, same with how fishes can survive in a small aquarium. but can a bank sustain without money flow? nope. this is not parable. this is reality. you buy fish, you put them in water, you feed them, they'll survive. you wont need to pay for tne air they breath since the moment you place them in a tank, you already gave them life and chance to multiply by simply replicating the environment where they live, though in smaller area.

    while a bank. bank needs money and manpower. bank dont need air, it breaths on money. and people needs assurance that their money can grow. money and fishes are not the same species. money gone is a problem, fish in the tank dies, who cares. and ofw worked so hard to earn money. show me how to convinced them to deposit a penny to your bank.

    you always say think out of the box though you keep on saying its not for everyone. you are already diminishing the ideas you started. aquaponics is okey with me. but saying that a bank will survive without money is a senseless debate.

    let me point out why:

    as you posted and thinking out of the box,

    Do you want to be part of a bank without investing anything? ZERO outlay?

    Do you want to see how your bank is being managed in “real-time” and transactions that unfold before your eyes, , access documents anytime?

    Do you want to have a bank of your own that will help you run your business, provide reasonable loan rates and nurture and guide you through your growing stage?

    Do you want to be part of a bank that will help you build your quality homes in quality subdivision developed by OFW-developer, financed by OFW-Bank?

    Do you want to be fully aware of the SALN of your bank officers, their wives, their children? Your bank officers are paid higher than industry standard. Transparency in the Internet.

    investing with zero outlay? how? and why would there be SALN when there is no money involved? where will the money for loans and housing come from? and how will the bank maintain a system that needs serious programs to monitor transactions? pay for internet bills, infrastructures and equipments?

    eh sa start pa lang gastos na nakikita ko dyan. and you add pa na you'll create your own rules? anu ba to? lokohan? im just being realistic. dont compare aquaponics since its realistic enough. how will you go about answering your own questions about this ofw bank of yours? and don't tell me you never needed permit to start your own aquaponics business. i may have to ring BIR for that, and even BFAR.
    All your questions are the fundamentals of those who want to start a business. That is correct. That is the way we are trained in school. That is the process and here are the forms. Fill it up, queue, pay and that's it !!

    Forget for a moment, you want to start a bank. Let's keep it simple. Assume "someone" gave you the idea of creating a very very simple "home business". Example, "Virtual Secretary". You serve small clients and take calls for them in an "office" cud be a home-office. Take down notes and do follow-up calls for your "bosses". Sort of "nano-call" center. Do you need to go through all those procedures you mentioned above? Will BIR haunt you down for a few thousands pesos you earn? Now assume there are 1000's of you small free lance workers doing similar work. Does BIR have the resources to chase 1000 small free lance workers? What if you are able to "combine" the resources of these 1000 free lance workers, earning separately and give them a much better process?

    So I hope this gives you an idea how to beat the system of permits, causing wasted man-hours.

    Each of your small free lance workers may have already their internet connections - housewives, retirees, handicaps, etc., So we start with what we have, make use of what we have.

    The above is something to start thinking about. Start with a clean-slate, design a process flow and forget what they taught you in school. Now, how do you "transform" that idea to a bigger scale?

    Some readers here are already itching for the "how to make the money process without the money", Instead of thinking, and contributing positive thoughts, they start dropping and spreading poisonous thoughts. Di-visive and destructive comments. That is, why this system is not for all. The De-mon and De-vil will do everything to des-troy what will be founded. Hard values and principles have to be the foundation of those who want to be involved. Again 5th riches country in the world in terms of natural resources, yet the poooooorest. Hence, to make the Filipino people suffer, is to continue to "Divide and Destroy" them by breaking down family values and sending them out to the world. Separating them from their families. Children will grow without parents or only one parent.

    When these people are divided and discouraged and angry at their government, then those "chosen-few" can continue to plunder the wealth of this country. We can do something about that. We can enjoy the richness of our country but we have to be worthy of these overwhelming richness and prove to the Big-Boss we can manage these resources. We have to build a strong foundation with values and principles "Embedded" in our hearts and minds.

  9. #119

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    butangi.... lupig pay ponzi scheme...

  10. #120

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    thru the web and we start with what we have. let me tell you something. there are about 30,000 people here in the country who have contracts with odesk. and almost 3 million worldwide. do you think that even 1% of that population would waste a minute of their time on the web without profit? even DOTA players would love to kill someone before logging off.

    im the type who hates permits that's why i chose to be a stock trader working at home. but dont mislead the idea of your ofw bank comparing it to odesk or ofw bank, you envisioned that, the word "bank" itself is a depository of money, base on what you've been posting. dont judge that people are itching to earn. they just want to know if investments will be favorable. that's how it is. that's like the basis an ofw went abroad. he didnt want to be a samaritan, he needed to earn money and has assess that being an ofw is a great way to earn money. base on your post, there will be houses that will be built, educational plans, real time transactions, SALN. how can this be when we all just browse the web. people will need paypal, or some sort of visa card with money on it to transact online. and they are not fools to put money on a pool without knowing how to get the money back. even Manny Pangilinan and the Pacman himself who has billions would love to know if such undertaking will be beneficial. dont tell people to forget what we learn in school. why? are you saying that people shouldnt go to school anymore? i dont know if your an ofw or your just mocking them. ofw bank with zero cost? eh anu yung internet? that is cost already? what about the time they do on the web? and are majority of ofw adept in using online process? who will teach them? ikaw? who will pay to program that monitoring system of yours for the ofw bank transaction? how will the ofw bank financed housing projects? by pooling money from other ofw? grant loans to fellow ofw?

    eto man ang concept mo. established a network of friends and ask money from them to help a fellow within the network. its like saying that you added a friend on facebook and a minute later he tried to loan money and you, in return, sent message to your entire friend's list and ask them some proportion of money to give to that person. and now, they do send money. process done. transactions are recorded thru that chat box. have you ever thought that people can be open minded, but not stupid? who has the sane mind to give money to someone they dont even know?

    and this process alone entails a working account. how do you intend to circulate the money involved? how will you gather the money from the samaritans? thru LBC or thru a specialized channel solely designed by you for that ofw bank. for real, if you ask me money, how will you get it from me? can i text you the money? email you the money? instagram? send it thru lbc? or are you going to give me your bank account?

    you seemed to be inside the matrix. well, this is the real world. and real world needs real answers to real problems. not principles. people have principles, but principles wont feed a hungry child or send them to school.

    "we will create our own rules" - sounds like anarchy to me. try not to pay your bills, internet or electricity, unsa mahitabo? try to setup your ofw bank without network protocols and commonly used infrastructures kaha? unsa mahitabo? this is not about creating your own rules kay if you dont follow basic rules even on the web or not paying bills, there will be repercussion. dont tell me your going to create your own police force as well? but then again, youll circle back to principles, human na ka sa taoist principles. bantay lang.
    Last edited by mckoy_slipstream; 07-19-2012 at 07:36 AM.

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