The Truth is still out there.
their truth is fake
TS exaggeration ra kaayo nang "sinister oppression" uy. They can't type truth on a search engine, this ain't a big deal. Say what you want about China, but at least you won't see people go hungry there.
Hunger and lack of housing TS.. this is real oppression... not being able to search for things on the internet... nah.
^ Blacklisting the word "truth" from search-engine results is very sinister in my opinion. The internet is the most widely used communication tool now. How would you feel if Philippine search-engines were ordered by government to blacklist the word politician or corruption? How would you feel if critical discussion of a political topic on a forum such as this led to the police holding you indefinitely or placing you under house-arrest? I would not be able to enjoy your posts in China Monroy... where you my friend would be considered a troublemaker or a dissident.
mayta ila i-apil si Justin Bieber og ban
Bai all I'm saying is that using the word sinister is over the top. If I were in China, I wouldn't violate their laws. They have their priorities and we have ours. With all the freedom we have here, do we have less corruption than them? Posting here is just a way to waste time for most people anyway or to show what big fanatics they are.
^ Unfortunately following laws won't help you if you are deemed subversive in China. Chen Guangcheng was held prisoner in his own house for years with no legal basis. Censorship in China is a tool used to keep the Communist Party in power. The Phils may be screwed-up in various ways, but at least we have the freedom to question authority. What is wrong with the word Truth?.... Why is that word deemed a threat to society? I cannot think of any non-sinister explanation.
^ In all likelihood it's a mistake by their censorship bureau. They come up with a blackout list, and maybe someone got carried away. Speaking against the government is illegal in China, so it's against the law but many people can post about individual corrupt officials, and most of those people aren't detained.
Freedom on paper here often doesn't translate to real freedom because of economic oppression. Take a look at what's happening in Davao. Or how about those farmers who got massacred under Cory's admin. Real freedom requires economic progress, in my opinion. What we have here is mostly freedom on paper. Have you asked an OFW who gets blocked at the airport from leaving the country if we have freedom? This is more complicated than we think. Freedom here is often arbitrary and sometimes nonsensical and some places are ruled by warlords.
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