wow, after spiderman, another one to look forward to...
B!%ch Please!! The Dark Cat Rises!
naa nay review sa time nga website...
TIME's Review of The Dark Knight Rises: To the Depths, To the Heights
a quote from the review...
TDKR is that big, that bitter — a film of grand ambitions and epic achievement. The most eagerly anticipated movie of summer 2012 was worth waiting for....That could be a summing up of Nolan’s Bruce/Batman, and of The Dark Knight Rises. The movie may not top The Avengers at the worldwide box office, but it is a far, far better thing — maybe the best, most troubling, assured and enthralling of all the superhero movies.....
a bit of a warning though. the review contains quite a lot of spoilers..lols.
Last edited by digitalsuperman; 07-17-2012 at 10:46 AM.
sayang.. but di ko ganahan sa version sa ilang bane
bane "masakiton edition"
another review from the inquirer..
Batman’s fantastic final flight
Intelligent and thrilling, the must-watch film reaches new cinematic heights for the Batman as it proves to be the best movie of the three—yes, even better than “The Dark Knight.”
Nolan’s final Batman film, “The Dark Knight Rises,” is an epic and triumphant conclusion to the Batman saga that shines brightly even from the darkest shadows....
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