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While people say that Wikipedia cannot be trusted because articles can be edited, it is not so easy to change articles. Sources must be cited and all articles are patrolled 24/7 for signs of vandalism. If the article is thought to have inaccurate or misleading information it is flagged and there is a banner placed to warn the reader.
But also note that it is very hard to track a million articles on a given single day. Anything can be corrupted.
Back to the topic, while I do agree on the list, I would think it's a bit outdated, since Turkey has surpassed the UK. Ten years ago, the Brits do have a superior Eurofighter-backed airforce, and Navy, but the Turks have the numbers, also Turkey has purchased a much superior F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II recently.
i think turkey cancelled there 100 f35 orders, same with italy's planned purchased.(i think problems from budgets, and "
source code-US refusal to give")
but india? surpassed others? they may have nukes, men. but do they have the technologies? if they have, it should be close to pakistan since theyre banging each other. iran also, they are buying technologies and war materials from pakistan, china, russia... why's not on the list?