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OK... now, how will you start this OFW Bank? Also, why man name it "OFW" if "everyone" can join in?
Thanks Lodyl, good question there. As I am engaging commentaries and queries, it is evolving like an fetus, it was "conceived" now "nutrients" are flowing in. More thoughts, more sentiments combine and is linked. The framework(fetal outline) is already there. We just need to provide more substance/material to it. I am still looking for "major components" so that we can come up with a "secured site". Suggestions are most welcome.
The other day, i was talking to a retired banker, soliciting wisdom. One of the lines I picked up from him is that "OFW loans" are "frowned" upon by banks(they smile in front of you and make you coffee-but you are a nuisance if you have no contract). To my mind, yes I know that, that's why I am going to start one !!!", not from the way they know how banks are created the conventional way.
The tools are now right in front of us. It is just a matter of mix-match, creativity. A "virtual bank" will be born. The greatest "capital and assets" already exists in each of us. MD (Member Depositors - or small managing-directors), may not be aware of what this are and can be mind boggling.
As I has posted previously, the Philippines is the 5th riches country in terms of Natural Resources, so in principle part of the major "assets" are already there. If we are the 5th Riches why do we send out "modern slaves" for foreigners to exploit in other countries. Some politicians want to train - "Super Maids" (Grabe, how can they think of our women like that) to be exported to other countries. Again, Saudi Arabia is nothing, nothing, nothing if you remove the oil. Japan and Singapore have no natural resources. If we are the 5th in the world why are we almost the lowest in the 3rd world countries. There is no need to be slaves, every one can be happy as we have more than enough for everyone.
OFW-Bank is an "open-architecture", in principle it is intended for the "working-class", OFW 99% belong to the working class. However, OFW, families and relatives know how it is to be in other countries and undergo all sorts of discrimination and difficulties, mental anguish, anxiety, uncertainty, loneliness, that local home based workers do not experience. Sufferings of helpless OFW-women in our embassies are still fresh in my mind, though that was say 20 years ago..still things have not changed I believe. There is no need for this, we are the 5th richest country in the world.