Ryan it is discussed at esato that phones with CDA XXXXXXXXXX /1 or XXXXXXXXX/2 are the true unbraded phones. only unbraded phones can be upgraded through SE US. It is know fact that all branded phones (like the ones that came from globe CDA XXXXXXXXX/8 i think) have a different set of firmware and is often not upgraded. this totally sucks I know. I have a Globe issued M600i and I can't upgrade the f..cking thing.
Now some people may have bought their phones as openline but in reality there are openline phones bought from telcos (Voda Orange and others) branded but were unbranded and had the latest firmware flashed before being sold here. Thus when after upgrading the phone resets back to the original branded CDA thus disabling the user to upgrade from SE US again. At least they get to upgrade one time.