@knight007: unsaon paghimo ug sub-store??ni-register na ko, pero murag as buyer ko dli seller....unsaon nako na makapost ko sa ako mga items na for sale
@knight007: unsaon paghimo ug sub-store??ni-register na ko, pero murag as buyer ko dli seller....unsaon nako na makapost ko sa ako mga items na for sale
Cebu online grocery at it's finest. Please visit onlinegroceryincebu.com. Next day shipping- free shipping guaranteed.
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MTJ fb online shop
The Marketplace: Cebu Marketplace by Mytindahan.net
To register as seller: Seller/Vendor Registration
Last edited by knight007; 07-13-2012 at 06:33 PM.
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oi mga bro kon gusto mo na maka pamaligya og deretso here sa ako site you get you own url where u can get facebook likes upload you product pics add/block clients like "friends" or "follower"
ur-trade.com/with/gekong . is one sample user. there is a video on the home pages showing how to build a site in 5 minutes. we dont get cuts from you sales. we just as for a montly fee which i will waive for you for 1 year if anyone is interested. there's also a 15 day trial upon signing up.
Sa katong mga naay paliton online pero dli kbaw unsaon pag bayad or dli ganahan mo bayad online. Pwde ni ninyo e try ang service sa Peso Exchanger. it's called Web Payment Service, dli na mo kailangan ug Paypal account. Cla ra mo bayad para ninyo, then pwde ra mo mo hatag ug cash nila or bank deposit nila to any bank BPI, BDO, Chinabank, Landbank ug Unionbank.
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