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  1. #31
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    might as well be a member na lang og cooperative nga naay track record og good management mas okay pa ni nga marealize kaysa bank para sa ofw's. its a very nice idea man unta but i also believe this will remain a dream.

  2. #32

    Default Breaking the bondage - setting us FREE

    Quote Originally Posted by Eve's Apple Project View Post
    ^^ ang problema bai kay dili ra ang pag-open sa Bank. ang problema kay ang pagsalig sa tao. Kapila naman gud napaso ang tao ani bai. Daghan na kaayo banks with credible history but ni fail because of bad investments & possibly mismanagement of funds. I admire your passion on changes, it is a dream of not only shared by a handful few but millions of us bai. we all want to change & improve our status. pero this idea of a bank will be very hard. Might not be impossible if we have funds like pacman. Pero kung walay funds bai, tagilid jud ta ana. sad to say bai but lisod jud basta money na ang storyahan. Sorry i have nothing more to share, wa sad kaayo ko kabalo sa padagan og banks. Keep it up lang bai, basin pag naay makashare nga makatabang.

    OT: parehas ra ta og hunahuna bai. I always believe nga dili Purdoy ang pinas, we are just being deceive by our politicians (& perhaps Media & the church). Para na sa ilang hakog nga plano na masulod nila sa ilang bulsa ang atong hinaguan. We can become a great nation again someday, but unfortunately today is not the day. agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree,
    Eve. Let me tell you the story of the Elephant. Elephants have very good memories. In computer parlance - it must be millions of terrabytes whatever number it is. The story goes this way. A tourist was surprised to see a huge elephant tied to a small tree with a rope. The tourist asked his guide, how in heavens name, could he tie such a big beast with the rope in a small tree.

    The guide explained that because of the elephants good memory, the huge elephant has learned that since birth and as a baby, the elephant has learned that it cannot uproot the tree it was tied to when it was small. The memory of being tied was "embedded" in the Elephants memory that up till now, it would not dare move against a small tree. So many years have passed and it has never tried to resist being tied to the tree anymore. The elephant has not recognized that years have built strength in him, however, his experience has told him it is not possible and any effort is futile.

    We know better than the elephants. That is why companies send their executives to upgrade, seminars for continuous improvement, paradigm shift and learning to think out of the box programs. Creative Thinking. I am sure there are many many many very much qualified than ourselves in skills and experience. But these skills might have been tied down by the De-mon and De-vil. Perhaps the best and brightest of our flock have been boxed in.

    What we really need Gods skillful & Godly wisdom. We share the same dreams and aspirations because we belong to the working class. What we have and possess is all that we have worked for. We have no inheritance or big farms or factories to inherit from our parents. OFW's belong to the working class.

    However, unlike the Elephant we can now be FREE from the bondage. We just need to shift our thinking and think out of the box. First of all what you need is to believe we (OFW's) can be the big and make it big. Bigger than the elephant. Better than the elephant. Those controlling the business are no better than us. It just so happened they were born in that where they are. We have worked our way through the ladders making the companies we work for rich and richer.

    This is our time. God is Good, God is Great, God is full of Grace and Generosity. To God be the Glory. But we have to work very very very hard for it and prove to God that we are entitled to God's Guidance-Wisdom. We have to work by His rules and His game plan.

    We have to overcome the De-mons and De-vils. Those that spread Dis-ease, Dis-content, Dis-trust, Intolerance, Di-vide, Dis-unity, Dis-obedience, De-pression.

  3. #33

    Default Hiring the best of the best OFW

    Quote Originally Posted by lhorenzoo View Post
    might as well be a member na lang og cooperative nga naay track record og good management mas okay pa ni nga marealize kaysa bank para sa ofw's. its a very nice idea man unta but i also believe this will remain a dream.
    If we do what we always did, we will always get what we always got. According to NSO, 2 million Filipinos went overseas last year. If each Filipino contributed only one (1) dollar per month. That is 2 million USD or 80 million pesos per month.

    Track record. Did Henry Sy of SM have a good track record about banking? What makes you think Henry Sy is better than you? You have made so much contribution and ideas to your company to make it profitable. If you unleash the power of your mind given as much 80 million pesos per month and manage OFW bank branch is it not possible? You do you have to be a rocket scientist to manage a bank. If you do not want to manage, with 80 million Php per month, can we not hire the best of the best OFW manager from abroad? Set the objective for this best of the best and if he does not perform, you fire him. Just like any other company. We have to learn to do things different than what we are doing and get out of our comfort zone. There is always a better way.

  4. #34

    Default How many more billions do we need?

    More Pinoys have become OFWs, says NSO - Yahoo! News Philippines

    The billions the OFW's infuse to the country, where is it? where did it go? Where is the progress? Where are the opportunities? If we do what we always did we will always get what we always got?

    The working class will always be workers..there is always a better way. That is how advance countries improve, continuously finding better ways. We can be like Singapore, we can be better than Singapore. We don't need other countries, we have more than enough wealth in this country. We just have to build opportunities and protect our investments. 1 USD per month per OFW lang. We can build our real-estate to build better quality homes and facilities and housing complexes for OFW's with technologies learned from abroad.

    You don't need to worry you will be cheated by your developer, because your developer is the OFW-Developer, financed by OFW-Bank. A developer and bank you can trust.

    Can you imagine how it is to buy your new house and lot, later to get flooded or they don't even know what kind of water is supplied to them, I have seen how these people cheat other people. It is painful.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    brad no offense ha, im also an OFW, pero unsa man diay imong tumong para sa OFW bank? mura vague ra man gud kaayo imo mga comments..

    yes, we do have an integral part in shaping the economy of our country but so does the normal taxpayers/local workers.. dili na siguro nato i-marginalize pa ang atong kaugalingon sa ilaha, kay after all we are of the same heritage ra man... and also, i dont think most OFW prefer "special treatment" from the gov't or private sector services, maikog sad tas atong kaugalingon oi kung mag inarte ta nga dapat mas labaw ta sa uban

  6. #36

    Default Staying in our comfort zone...

    Hi xavi,
    Please see my reply below. Thank you for being here.

    Quote Originally Posted by xavisimao View Post
    brad no offense ha, im also an OFW, pero unsa man diay imong tumong para sa OFW bank? mura vague ra man gud kaayo imo mga comments..

    [COLOR="#FF0000"]Could you please specify what is not clear to you on my comments. Which comments do you wish for me to expound. I would be glad to clarify. Please let me know.[/COLOR]

    yes, we do have an integral part in shaping the economy of our country but so does the normal taxpayers/local workers.. dili na siguro nato i-marginalize pa ang atong kaugalingon sa ilaha, kay after all we are of the same heritage ra man... and also, i dont think most OFW prefer "special treatment" from the gov't or private sector services, maikog sad tas atong kaugalingon oi kung mag inarte ta nga dapat mas labaw ta sa uban
    May I know which comment that I wrote I asked for special treatment for OFW? Please I need this specific line because if it is mis-understood that I am asking for special treatment I need to make corrections and adjustments. Please help me.

    I may have written something you have another interpretation about and it is dangerous that I am projecting an image that to your perception is something that I am asking for OFW's to be "babied" and put on a pedestal as HERO.

    Thank you for sharing and rest assured this is a discussion that we shall later improve on and synthesize. This clarifications are part of our "conception". Meeting of the minds. There is no offense or anyone needed to be offended. We need nputs that from all so we can so we can generate the best of the best. This is all part of "creation" process. For gold to be purified it undergoes extreme heat-fire.

    Thank you once again for sharing. Your ideas are most valuable to our growth and experiential learning.
    Last edited by EsoyLegaspi; 06-28-2012 at 06:55 AM.

  7. #37

    Default Our Big-Boss is God, our Supreme Employer

    OFW Bank - my vision is the breeding ground for future leaders who do not have money but have great dreams and visionary, great minds, skills, experience, expertise to lead and create. They do not own anything to anyone or anybody but to God, who is good, graceful, giver and taker of life, generous, gentle and to God be the Glory in all what we do.
    These will be leaders who cannot be intimidated, threatened by treacherous De-mons, overcome all what the De-mon and De-vil will throw at them. These are leaders who share the common vision of a great country under God. This is what OFW-Bank will breed.
    OFW-Bank, we capitalize on our greatest asset. “WE” is our greatest assets, in WE, compose of our skills, our minds, our fighting spirit, our God given knowledge and wisdom and WE shall overcome all those De-mons and De-vils that cross our way with peace and love.

    OFW-Bank, the Big-Boss is God and we shall play it according to His will, His rules and His game plan.
    Last edited by EsoyLegaspi; 06-29-2012 at 07:51 AM.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    so sir EsoyLegaspi unsaon man ni pagsugod og pagpadagan? naa na kay plan ani?

  9. #39

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    TS, naa naman bank nga ang "investors" kay mga OFWs... OWN Bank c/o Sir Francisco Colayco.....

  10. #40

    Default The Business Plan Formulation

    Quote Originally Posted by neshem View Post
    so sir EsoyLegaspi unsaon man ni pagsugod og pagpadagan? naa na kay plan ani?
    Neshem, you have the next most brillant question!! In other words, what is the "business plan"?? When I opened the topic, I have encountered skeptics, prophets of doom, this is just like when posted high density - highly efficient and highly productive way of producing fish and veggie production.

    I posted in forums that we can produce truly organic fish and vegetables, - no digging, no soil, no fertilizer, no chemicals, no pesticides, no insecticides, no herbicides, no watering, no weeding, no antibiotics, yet produce fresh, nutritious, delicious, clean, true-organic fish and veggie. The natural reaction for those "less informed" who read it immediately labelled me a scammer, fraud, troll especially in yahoo other forums. At the moment I am working towards achieving ZERO energy and ZERO cost for this process. My design is not yet that efficient because if we are to compete in the world market we have to work towards ZERO energy and Zero cost of production. If not at least almost zero cost of production.

    That process I mentioned above was truly unheard of to them. I know their minds were still "boxed in". They were like the big elephants in my previous story that their minds are still tied to a tiny tree. Anything out of the normal is abnormal. Thinking out of the box is a painful thing and would be going out of their comfort zone is anathema.

    Thus, you will be surprised of my business plan and will discuss in due time. I am working towards a Business Plan of ZERO Capital. And the plan entails die-hard volunteers, intellectuals and dedication to make this work. I cannot do this alone but I need the help of the best of our best in the field of information technology and mastery of the web. We will work on ZERO capital except using our available "ASSETS" ourselves, our skills, our expertise, our dedication and the drive to achieve to see a Philippines better than Singapore and ultimately beat Japan. And all these for the Glory of God, fellow men and country.

    Sounds ridiculous, yes it is, for a boxed mind, just like the process I described above, but it is achievable. For now I am floating this concept ( moment of conception) as we draw the "nutrients" to create substance for this will be born soon. I will present this plan once the "fetus" forms. We are still like the ovum (egg meets sperm) after the fertilization stage. An inter-molecular-celluar process is evolving, for those who share our thoughts and aspirations. If we have volunteers and ground works established, I will present the "Business Plan", that is, like dropping the bomb. It has to be timed perfectly. The perfect time is God's time. Glory be to God in the Highest and Peace be to men of good will.

    Thank you for your question.
    Last edited by EsoyLegaspi; 06-29-2012 at 07:58 PM. Reason: In God's Time, it will be born

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