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  1. #41

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    Quote Originally Posted by walker View Post
    hoi Crinkle, ikaw baya ang nagsulti nga imo ihatag na lang para way samok.

    kana lang gwapa ug sexy ang ipasa diri nako ha..
    Tuara niangkon na jud. Mao diay ni rason nganong imong ihatag ang Pinas boss? para sa mga babay?

  2. #42

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    The island serves as a town proper to the Municipality of Kalayaan. Only this island among all Philippine-occupied Spratly islands is currently inhabited by civilian Filipinos. The civilian population, about 300 which includes children, was introduced in 2001. However, less than 200 civilian Filipinos are present in the island at a time.

    The island is the only Philippine-occupied island to have a significant number of structures. These include a municipal hall, multi-purpose hall, health center, school, water-filtration plant, marina, communication tower, and military barracks. The residents raise pigs, goats and chickens and plant crops in an alloted space to supplement their supplies of goods provided by a naval vessel which visits once a month. By day, the residents get electricity from a power generator owned by the municipality. By night, they shift to stored solar power which comes from 1.5V solar panels installed in the island.

    The municipality has a long-standing policy of protecting the island's environment. Aerial photos (by Google Maps) of the island reveal that more than 70% of the island is still covered with trees. This is in contrast with islands occupied by Vietnam where many trees were already cut down. -- Source Wikipedia
    I don't know what they're pissed off about setting up a school there when there's already an airstrip, municipal hall, health center, barracks the works. Are they're hating the idea the world knows now there are children and families there in case they took over?

  3. #43

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    inevitable na gyud tingali ang bloodshed sa spratly islands...

  4. #44

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    ^Bitaw kadugay na anang mga structures dha..

  5. #45

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    kuyawa aning china oi kay mao may mang dektar ug unsay buhaton sa pinas.

  6. #46

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    ops double post.. sori mods
    Last edited by elvandesantos; 06-27-2012 at 09:37 PM.

  7. #47

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    its already a brgy registered voters are even accounted sah comelec so wah sila mabuhat.. maypa magbutang sila dra ug "halfway house" sah mga badlungon aron d ka ikyas... mangiskwela gyud ug mausab gyud ilang concept about life kun naa sila sah layo nga isla.. maybe even considering living in the island for good.. more population much better....nice idea ayt?

  8. #48
    C.I.A. cliff_drew's Avatar
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    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    Republic Act 9522

    Section 2. The baseline in the following areas over which the Philippines likewise exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction shall be determined as "Regime of Islands" under the Republic of the Philippines consistent with Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS):

    a) The Kalayaan Island Group as constituted under Presidential Decree No. 1596; and

    b) Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Scarborough Shoal.


    WHEREAS, by reason of their proximity the cluster of islands and islets in the South China Sea situated within the following:

    From a point [on the Philippine Treaty Limits] at latitude 7º40' North and longitude 116º00 East of Greenwich, thence due West along the parallel of 7º40' N to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 112º10' E, thence due north along the meridian of 112º10' E to its intersection with the parallel of 9º00' N, thence northeastward to the intersection of parallel of 12º00' N with the meridian of longitude 114º30' E, thence, due East along the parallel of 12º00' N to its intersection with the meridian of 118º00' E, thence, due South along the meridian of longitude 118º00' E to its intersection with the parallel of 10º00' N, thence Southwestwards to the point of beginning at 7º40' N, latitude and 116º00' E longitude.

    are vital to the security and economic survival of the Philippines;

    WHEREAS, much of the above area is part of the continental margin of the Philippine archipelago;

    WHEREAS, these areas do not legally belong to any state or nation but, by reason of history, indispensable need, and effective occupation and control established in accordance with the international law, such areas must now deemed to belong and subject to the sovereignty of the Philippines;

    WHEREAS, while other states have laid claims to some of these areas, their claims have lapsed by abandonment and can not prevail over that of the Philippines on legal, historical, and equitable grounds.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers in me vested by the Constitution, do hereby decree as follows:

    Section 1. The area within the following boundaries:

    From a point [on the Philippine Treaty Limits] at latitude 7º40' North and longitude 116º00' East of Greenwich, thence due West along the parallel of 7º40' N to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 112º10' E, thence due north along the meridian of 112º10' E to its intersection with the parallel of 9º00' N, thence northeastward to the intersection of parallel of 12º00' N with the meridian of longitude 114º30' E, thence, due East along the parallel of 12º00' N to its intersection with the meridian of 118º00' E, thence, due South along the meridian of longitude 118º00' E to its intersection with the parallel of 10º00' N, thence Southwestwards to the point of beginning at 7º40' N, latitude and 116º00' E longitude;

    including the sea-bed, sub-soil, continental margin andr space shall belong and be subject to the sovereignty of the Philippines. Such area is hereby constituted as a distinct and separate municipality of the Province of Palawan and shall be known as "Kalayaan."

    Section 2. Pending the election of its regular officials and during the period of emergency declared in Proclamation No. 1081, and unless earlier provided by law, the administration and government of the area shall be vested in the Secretary of National Defense or in such officers of the Civil government or the Armed Forces of the Philippines as the President may designate.

    Section 3. This Decree shall take effect immediately.

    Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-eight.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    kinsay imong pabasahon ana Cliff, ang mga Insik?

  10. #50

    Default Re: China warns Philippines vs 1st school on Pag-asa

    Philippines warns and reminds China that Philippines owns China and beyond..... hehehehehe.... sila ray kahibaw mangangkon...

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