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  1. #91
    C.I.A. DEMONOCIETY's Avatar
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    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    maayo lang if naay interest unya ang interest gigam ug sakto pero if paingon ra na sa bulsa sa godzilla wa gihapon ty asenso

  2. #92

    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    Quote Originally Posted by lhorenzoo View Post
    show off, na naay kwarta ang Pilipinas , di ba obvious? kadaghan og angay tabangan diri sa atong nasod, mga programang pangakabuhayan og unsa pa na diha, unahon man ang tabang nga nihit gani og funding ubang proyekto sa gobyerno.
    mao ni tubag nga wala nagtugkad sa yuta. in other words, motherhood statements! basta makasupak lang kay lage pildi ilang kandidato pag election.

    unsay programang pangkabuhayan? ano yun? lolzzz
    supak man gani mo sa CCT!

  3. #93
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    note: 2006 pa ta quits sa IMF.

    Anyway, it is a risky loan, bisan ug IMF ni. Most likely adto ni sa Europe, probably Greece or Spain (where they are 300%+ versus their GDP). Credit Default Swap can only guarantee you so much if dili mabalik ang loan. Even if we have paid off our IMF loans (thanks in part to GMA's deft budget management) we still have $6.6 billion in other sovereign debts, that $1 billion that could have been of use to dampen the interests on those debts. Again, help yourself before helping others. We can help them better if we are better in stature.

  4. #94

    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    Quote Originally Posted by jack_bauer View Post
    nanay gi-bayad geng.. remember naay automatic appropriation for debts..

    be informed nga ng bayad ta sa utang, at the same time pa utang ta para kabayad sa utang..

    utang, bayaran ug utang.. ehehehehe

    ..and beyond anything else, this is a goodwill money, hence interest rate is not that much.. okies..

    ang ako lng kay gamay ra kau ang tubo sa IMF, mas dako pa ang interest sa utang nato sa world bank, mao naka ingon ko nga mas mau pa g bayad nalng sa world bank ang kwarta para mo gamay2x ang interest

  5. #95

    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    Quote Originally Posted by cliff_drew View Post
    Reserve fund meaning reserve for emergencies. Dili ni pundo sa government nga gamiton para sa health, education, housing, infrastructures ug uban pa nga public services.
    Dili diay na ma-consider ug emergency ang Calamity?

  6. #96

    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    Quote Originally Posted by hayden View Post
    Dili diay na ma-consider ug emergency ang Calamity?

    Foreign exchange reserves usually stores foreign currency and bonds held by the central banks of nations all over the world. The basic purpose of foreign exchange reserve is for foreign settlement of debts and payments between governments. Exchange reserves now associates with international currency and bonds, particularly U.S. dollars and Treasuries. However, in a flexible exchange rate system, foreign exchange reserves assets enables a central bank to purchase the local currency which is considered a liability for central bank. This action mainly stabilizes the value of the domestic currency. This is the primary purpose of foreign exchange reserves. However, foreign exchange reserve policy affects exchange rates, international trade and inflation.
    Purpose Of Foreign Exchange Reserves

    in short, foreign reserves are not intended for any domestic expenditures either calamity related, infra, or whatsoever..

  7. #97

    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    Statement of BSP Gov. Amando Tetangco Jr. on $1B loan of PHL to IMF

    The Philippines is supporting the global efforts to stabilize the world economy and maintain it on a growth path. This is the reason why the Philippines is extending a $1 billion loan to the IMF.

    We are a member of the global community of nations and it is also in our interest to ensure economic and financial stability across the globe.

    The Philippines is a member of the International Monetary Fund, which uses the contributions from its members to provide loans to countries going through financial difficulties to minimize its adverse impact on their people.

    For nearly forty years until 2006, the Philippines itself was a net borrower from the IMF. We finally fully paid our loans to IMF in December 2006 as the implementation of continuing reforms have made our economy stronger.

    Today, our economic fundamentals are sound, our banks are able to meet domestic credit needs, and we are capable of lending $1 billion from our international reserves to the IMF.

    This is a loan to the IMF and we will get our money back with interest.

    In effect, by extending a loan to the IMF that will earn money for the Philippines we are also able to help other nations saddled with financial problems. Other nations have also committed to help IMF address the current financial crisis. — BSP news release

    Statement of BSP Gov. Amando Tetangco Jr. on $1B loan of PHL to IMF | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere

  8. #98
    C.I.A. cliff_drew's Avatar
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    Default Re: Philippines to help ailing nations with $1-billion loan to IMF

    Quote Originally Posted by hayden View Post
    Dili diay na ma-consider ug emergency ang Calamity?
    Emergency fund reserve NOT for public service. Gamitong ang dollar reserves to stabilize or protect peso value vis-a-vis the US dollar and other currencies.

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