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  1. #11

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    you need "apache" and "my SQL"

  2. #12

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    **** just installed wamp but still I can't run php scripts in my localhost.. already put it online but... kinsay willing mo tabang dha please step by step in installing or making PHP/Apache/mySQL fully works sa ako PC.. tenk you.

  3. #13

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    visit. Install PHP 5 Apache MySQL on Windows : WampServer
    follow the 3 steps found on the link.

    1. Put your files on C:>wamp>www>(you can also create a folder if you want)
    2. Activate wamp server by double clicking the icon.
    3. check if the connection is okay. (wamp server icon should be green color when it is activated)
    4. on your browser (use firefox-recommended). type http://localhost/ .....then press enter
    5. if you can see a wamp server/ server configuration. that means your wamp server is active.
    6. include the php file on the http://localhost/
    ~mobile-sample folder
    ~index.php- sample php file

    i hope this works.

    ps: mogana sa akoa.. ^_^

  4. #14

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    ^yep working na xa dallaxz.. layu pman tan ko oi.. while loop pman ko sa php.. just started this morning.. hehe!

  5. #15

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Xadaya View Post
    ^yep working na xa dallaxz.. layu pman tan ko oi.. while loop pman ko sa php.. just started this morning.. hehe!
    beginners pa gae ko aning ko nikuha ug php gud..but ge apil ra xa sa among mobile na subject..

  6. #16

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    try wamp bro, b4 nimu ipadgan iquit sa ang skype(kay d mudagan). ibutang ra sa www nga folder imu php, then type localhost/test.php <-- ex.

  7. #17

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    gidiyap PHP gidiyap...

  8. #18

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    recomend ng iba ung wamp rather than xampp..

  9. #19

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    PHP Tutorial

    try learning through w3schools

  10. #20

    Default Re: Im learning PHP, Help me hw to run the PHP!

    2006 pa man ni kol... pan-us na

  11.    Advertisement

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