Originally Posted by
I would like to thank again the following...
1. Lito Chiu Inso, CrashBURN (Network equipment & financial sponsor)
2. Elmer Salupan, pinoy (Overall Event Manager)
3. Renaire Lopez, renaire33
4. Klyde Peņan, (-_-(0_-)-_-)
5. Joseph Rendon, dark_humbz
6. Luis David Rodriguez Picornell, ispaniardz (SPECIAL APPEARANCE)
7. Jeppo Ouano, st1tch3s (raffle winner of Silverstone RV01 Mid Tower Case)
8. James Yutangco, amary_17 (raffle winner of Silverstone Penetrator Fan)
9. Marvin Sanchez, akomao
10. Earl Jaru Obenza, kinumot
11. Michael Cabiguin, mike1293
12. Arthur James Malgapo, jimmy128
13. Prince Andrew, sky89 (raffle winner of Silverstone Strider 500w PSU)
14. Dominick Dionne Mahinay, nikkicoke (raffle winner of Larkcooler Water Cooling System)
15. Jayvric Rey, jay52969
16. Binbin Tacdoro, iFahrenheit (raffle winner of Silverstone Penetrator Fan)
17. Paolo Abadesco, crossvane
18. Rezalde Tarrayo, ALaude
19. Eissel Henrey Cahilig Pelayo, tSUB
20. Ian dela Cerna, Archfear
21. Jeff Bulotano, xEight8
22. Victor Paul Noel, axisvirus
23. Jeremy Abenoja Laran, FineUpgrades (Raffle Prizes)
24. Marky Macarayan, markytrigger
25. Vince Delicano, bytebandit02
26. 1&1 Internet (Expense for our place)
27. Fine Upgrades Group (Silverstone, Cliptec & Larkcooler Raffle Prizes)