MaxGXL - Revolutionary Dietary Supplement
What is MaxGXL?
MaxGXL is a gluathione accelerator developed by Dr. Robert Keller which has been proven to significantly increase glutathione levels up to 400% after three months of daily usage.
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein produced naturally in our cells which functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. It is the most powerful antioxidant known to man.
What happens if I don’t have enough glutathione?
Decreased glutathione may be a result of various types of prolonged stress and hyperactivity of the immune system, which in turn compromises the health of the body’s cells. Without glutathione, we die.
Who is Dr. Robert Keller?
Dr. Keller is one of America’s Top Physicians in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology. He has published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents.
What makes MaxGXL unique?
MaxGXL is the only one of its kind in the market that has been granted with a composition patent. Composition patents are normally reserved for the most unique, and novel, ideas - usually pharmaceuticals.
Is MaxGXL safe?
Yes. MaxGXL is BFAD and FDA approved.
Why isn’t oral glutathione well absorbed?
Glutathione is broken down by acid in the stomach long before it ever reached the cells. Then at this point the molecule would still have to penetrate the cell wall which it cannot do. You must then feed your cells the precursors needed for them to naturally produce glutathione inside the cells which MaxGXL contains.
Word of caution: Oral glutathione and injectables are ineffective.
Who are known athletes that use MaxGXL?
Tom Jones, Kevin Saunders, Sugar Shane Mosley and Manny Pacquiao to name a few. [This is what “Pretty Boy” Floyd Mayweather suspects as an illegal energy boosting drug that Pacman’s taking. However, this is already BFAD and FDA approved]