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  1. #41

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    people will always have something to say about anything or anyone - some good, some bad, some true, some not. how we deal with the info reflects the person that we are and determines how far we can go. paminawon lang gud nato ilang opinion. mag-reflect lang pud ta. learn from it. ignore what needs to be ignored. let's look for the silver lining in every situation. let's prove him/them wrong. im proud to be pinoy gihapon. happy independence day, philippines

  2. #42

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    tan-awa ragud pud na iyang english o, mura sab ug maayo. Bisan asanang langoba sa kalibutan d jud na mawala ang mga suya-on. Kanang taw-hana na pildi guro na sa hantak maong hay-vladdd hehehehe

  3. #43

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    Tan-awa ninyo ang comments ato sa article. Grabe ka mga racist.

  4. #44

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    gi basted siguro to ug pinay ay...

    not worth sa atong time mag justify ta ani niya...

  5. #45

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    It's human nature to generalize.

  6. #46

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    naa sad xay point.

  7. #47

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    nah. a typical racist singaporean who thinks he's better than anyone else. not worth giving attention. these are second or third generation singaporeans who are spoiled and complains a lot, lazy and suffering from having too much time on there hands bored of jacking off to indonesian porn while whining and burst some zits on there ugly faces and bad hygene. they don't deserve to have a country of there own much less have the tenacity on telling there neighbors what to do with there lives.

  8. #48
    Elite Member
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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    Quote Originally Posted by tonioyantao View Post
    nah. a typical racist singaporean who thinks he's better than anyone else. not worth giving attention. these are second or third generation singaporeans who are spoiled and complains a lot, lazy and suffering from having too much time on there hands bored of jacking off to indonesian porn while whining and burst some zits on there ugly faces and bad hygene. they don't deserve to have a country of there own much less have the tenacity on telling there neighbors what to do with there lives.
    Aw.. so Singaporean diay ka bro?
    Last edited by monroy; 06-14-2012 at 02:43 AM.

  9. #49

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    Quote Originally Posted by frank_sa_basak View Post
    A point to bring out: what mastery of English language these pinoys have? ... infesting the shopping centres with their irritating English slang and tagalog which sounded more like chickens and ducks talking.


    bros and sis what can you say?? if you want to comment sa author click here A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos « THE TEMASEK TIMES

    These blogs against pinoys through (Temasek times) is plain racism. This is not even a legitimate news site in Singapore. It's a combination of porn+current events, on which sexual products, sexual advices are presented to undersexed Singaporeans who can't even find a girlfriend. Although there is inferiority disdained towards Filipinos in SG, but racism is more directed towards Indians compared to Pnoys. And what are Singaporeans without the British governing their economy in the 1800's? They'd be selling fish and eating cats without the Brits.

    And the Language? (English slang and tagalog which sounded more like chickens and ducks talking.)
    If you listen to these yellow skinned *****s speaking Mandarin, it is like listening to a turkey getting raped by a goat.

    I'm Filipino American, and growing up in an American Family for 24 years, I find Filipinos being the most hygenic and intellectual people in the world. Yeah, Every immigrant have darksides and mishaps. When the Irish came to America, it was like they owned the east coast. Indians are real dicks in Dubai. The Germans were *****s in Argentina. The Chinese, when they migrated to America were like walking toilets.

    So you scumbag singaporeans blogging on this site. You take baths 2 times a month, your breath smells, and your armpits are like 12 dead pigs in a closet.
    Get over with it. We go to Singapore, we take your jobs and we do it better than you.

    I'm not venting against all Singaporeans, since if you look at the blog, some are actually against it. But to these people who created this crap against foreigners, get a real job, get a girlfriend, get some sunshine, or even a bath.

  10. #50

    Default Re: A Singaporean’s observation of Filipinos

    Quote Originally Posted by monroy View Post
    Aw.. so Singaporean diay ka bro?
    Problem lah?

    let's just say if there would be a game called "If i'd be Hitler" Singapore would be the first to go.

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