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  1. #81

    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    ^Is there any other than controlled subsidies? All subsidies are controlled, that is part of the essence of a subsidy. The corruption that exists prior to K12 will still exist because K12 addresses the lacking in quantity of years of education rather than the root cause for the problem of education.

    It is not evident as a whole because evidence shows that more private educated students edge public school students in almost any field of profession.... But there are extremely rare cases where an exceptional student from the public school can edge over private educated students... And yet, often times, if ever such an exceptional student is recognized, a scholarship for private education is offered.

    The only way public schools can enhanced their education is through competition... competition against other schools for enrollment of students.

  2. #82
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    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    ^ you have a point... but their unemployment rate is far worse than our own country... America's best universities are private universities, and these are not included with government funding. But to emphasize my point, let us limit within basic education and not the tertiary education.

    What happened with the US education system is that the budgets were significantly magnified that different schools are spending it more on unnecessary things that don't really contribute to education. They have awarded themselves large compensations, teachers enjoy huge government benefits despite of the quality of students they produce. Many students graduate lacking in basic academic skills, especially in basic reading, basic math, and basic science... Exam scores don't measure the benefits of education, because frankly speaking, education's benefits are purely subjective... That's why it is important for the government to taper off subsidies in the education department and create an entirely revolutionary system of education were competition is at the core of quality improvement.

    School education is not the only way of securing an education. But since we have a centralized department, we really don't have much diverse models of education. We only know 1 way of educating and i'm afraid it is failing our students... The government needs to back away and give schools enough breathing space to spawn creative ways of delivering quality education.

    John Stossel - Government Schools - YouTube these might shed some light...
    They might be overspending, but your argument is useless because we're not anywhere near how much they're spending on their schools. Dude, even their public universities are better than most private universities I've seen here so I don't see what your point is. And even speaking of just the Ivies like Harvard, most of the students in those schools come from public high schools.

    Their problems are nothing compared to what we have here. We don't even have enough classrooms...

    Have you read the article you posted? It says exams aren't everything. What's important is real world success and it's in this that the Americans really impress. Look at the top companies in the world, they're all run by Americans...

    Education also teaches other things that can't be measured but are valuable in any modern state: honesty, ethics, how to choose your leaders..
    Last edited by monroy; 06-12-2012 at 04:27 PM.

  3. #83

    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    the point is simple....subject education the same way as any other commodity in the market... Let the forces of economics deal with this... Education is a product that varies from one school to another, from one model to another, from one school of thought to another. By doing this, education can become dramatically improved, and dramatically cheaper than the cost of it today. A regulated commodity will always have shortages and a lot less quality.

    If it is treated the same way as a...cellphone perhaps, there will be more kinds of schools to choose from, and a lot cheaper... with our current set-up, even if you cut down all our trees to make schools, our quality will still not rise because there is inherently no incentive for subsidized schools to improve because either they perform well or not, they still receive the same amount of subsidy which is different for private school set-up.

    I am focusing on the economic principles behind education.

  4. #84
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    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    ^ You're advocating for something that will leave innocent people with a substandard education. If you compare education to cellphones then you know you're on the wrong track. If there are cheap cellphones that break in 1 day, there will be private schools that graduate idiots. Kids shouldn't be disadvantaged just because their parents can only afford the cheapest schools. No matter how you spin it, cheap private schools are gonna give substandard education somehow there's no way around it because good teachers cost money.

    The Law is an old philosophy that was created in a whole different world. I can see you're a huge fan of Bastiat by the way you post but his work is nothing but pure theory and economic principles can't be applied to everything.
    Last edited by monroy; 06-12-2012 at 04:41 PM.

  5. #85

    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    ^ yes, initially qualities will be low, same with cellphones...but look at how far the improvement in quality in the low bracket cellphones have come... there is a drastic change from the faulty cheap cellphones of yesterday.... Education today is far from being called, satisfactory, with a tracked record of continuous decline. Compared to the cheap cellphones, our public education is far left in the mud. Cheap private schools who don't satisfy the parents and students will naturally die on their own incompetence... But the defect public school cannot die inspite of being worthless, it is even expanded... Insanity is doing the same things, over and over again, expecting different results. This is clear insanity with K-12.

    The Law is the same philosophy as the American Constitution which is the framework for modern day constitutions... Yes, it is very old, but its principles remains relevant. Economists around the world even keep it as a reference. The Law was authored from Bastiat's own experience in trade and in politics, and from his mastery of logic. But that is another subject which will deviate from the thread.

  6. #86
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    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    What is the thing we are doing over and over again? Constantly underfunding our schools so they don't even have enough classrooms? If so, I agree.

  7. #87

    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    To think that government planning out performs private planning..... a government underfunded school needs bureaucracy for funding...a well funded government schools needs bureaucracy to maintain its funding... more politics and less teaching..

  8. #88

    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    Philippines is one of the few remaining countries in the world with the 10-year basic education..i think less than 10 countries in the world still have the 10-year basic education. the additional 2 years would really benefit our kids. and yes, the same problem still persists with no classrooms, low salary of teachers, no tables and chairs, etc. but lets give the government a chance on this....just my opinion really...

  9. #89

    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    ^ i think we should give more chances to students, more choices more options...more quality..

  10. #90
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    Default Re: K12 Educational system

    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    ^ i think we should give more chances to students, more choices more options...more quality..
    Bro, we already have private schools. I don't know what you're trying to do, really.. >.<

    More funding for public schools isn't going to reduce the choices that already exist. Move outside your bubble man, not everyone can afford private school and the affordable ones are usually no good. Reading philosophy is good, but it's time you moved from theory to practice...

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