na gamit na jud ang name eX-Men. sa dc kay c aQueerMAN
na gamit na jud ang name eX-Men. sa dc kay c aQueerMAN
You're a dumb parent if you seriously think Alan Scott being gay is the worst thing in comics for children. The content in most comicbooks hasn't been geared towards young children for decades. And yes, you're a shitty parent if you let your young tot read comicbooks alone.
"waa waa it's the comics fault for making my son became gay."
In my own opinion, although popular ang "Green Lantern" merchandise especially nowadays, the character "Alan Scott" is not widely known by the public.
Maybe the fag "Alan Scott" Green Lantern character is used by DC Comics to explore and see if it might bring up sales especially towards LGTB communities. Anyways, if this would turn out unpopular, they can "kill" the character anytime.
At least, Hal Jordan is still the mainstream and widely accepted Green Lantern.
hehehehe gay nice gihapon pag ka portray ni ryan reynolds si Hal Jordan.. basin dili nani cya mo dawat sa sunod nga green lantern movie.. pro im hoping si ryan reynolds lang gihapon ang mo dala
Last edited by trax; 06-06-2012 at 08:22 PM.
na unsa nani gyud ron...bsin sunod naa npud gay superman(supergay), gay batman(batgay), gay iron man(iron gay) etc.......
That's really not going to happen under my roof.
But yeah, a classical example, "kids still watch porn even with strict rules from parents telling them not to watch." So to stop corruption, it needs to start with the corporates who create them.
"To kill a weed is to kill it's roots, not the leaves."
Making Alan Scott gay is just like making Colossus gay.
Both set in alternate universe, canon characters are both straight, both characters still alive and kicking.
The only difference is that Alan Scott received a hype. Especially after Northstar's marriage.
And saying Northstar is not known widely is wrong.
He's been appearing for years in X-books.
Heck even Hercules, an avenger is rumored that he and Northstar "teamed up".
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