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  1. #1

    Default Pork barrel ni Tomas

    2 Million Pesos nga pork barrel ni Congressman Tomas gihatag sa Bohol. Paita sad oy, wala na gani nahimo sa congreso si tomas gipanghatag pa iya pork barrel as lain lugar. Haayy, congressman nanginahanglan intawon mi dri sa Barangay Tisa. Mag duhaduha nalang noon ko ug botar nimo paka mayor ikaw raba unta ako baporito.

    So is it true that Rep. Tomas Osmeña (Cebu City, south district) donated P2 million from his PDAF to Bohol? Somebody furnished me some documents which show that Osmeña donated the amount to the Bohol Island State University. The request was made late last year. The documents contained this information: Special allocation release order-BMB-G-11-T000005050, NCA-BMB-G-128000622 for Bohol Island State University, requested against PDAF 2011, second tranche of P2 million.
    I checked with our friends in Bohol and they said the Bohol Island State University was the former Central Visayas State College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Technology.
    If this true, why did Tomas divert part of his PDAF to Bohol? It is quite intriguing.
    What is his interest in Bohol? There is no question if an individual helps others if it’s for a noble cause. But does Congress allow a congressman to use his pork barrel for projects outside his district?
    Besides, has he addressed the needs of his constituents in the Cebu City’s south district that he can donate to other areas? Charity begins at home, so to speak. That amount can already build two classrooms. That can be used to construct a footbridge in Sapangdaku so residents there, especially students, won’t have to cross the river using an improvised bamboo footbridge. He can also use the amount to provide financial assistance to fire victims or to the underprivileged sector in his district.
    Can we hear the justification of the honorable congressman on this issue?

    From Sunstar

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    Maayo nalang gani TS, iyang ge donate bisan dili niya distrito.

    Kaysa iyang ge bulsa unya wala tay nakita. Kani jud mga pilipino, walay kontento.... Sige nalang ta ug reklamo.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Bernard View Post
    Maayo nalang gani TS, iyang ge donate bisan dili niya distrito.

    Kaysa iyang ge bulsa unya wala tay nakita. Kani jud mga pilipino, walay kontento.... Sige nalang ta ug reklamo.
    Pero mas maayo gyud unta nga iya gibobo dri sa Cebu kay naaman sad congressman didto sa Bohol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    nahayyy... kamo nalay mag tomas... mang tomas

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    i dont really see any problem here

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    stoi! ay sigeg binata diha!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    i always thought pork barrels are meant to fund some projects in the district of any particular congressman... That by itself is detestable, seeing the massive misuse our congressmen have done... Making projects that are unnecessary for the purpose of pocketing some amounts....

    Now, the principle behind the donation made by Tomas is, is the money meant for his district be at the capriciousness of the congressmen to spend it anyway he wants to or should it always be for the district it was intended for? If it is the latter, then Tomas has done a malicious mistake, forgetting that the funds given to him are not his but from tax payers' money, so 2M spent for another district is 2M deprived from his own district.

    The malice doesn't stop there. If such a practice is condoned, then congressmen really have the luxury to spend allocated funds to further their respective political ambitions. What can donation of 2M to bohol do to his political ambition? Maybe none. But he has done so thinking its his money. That is a danger all our leaders seem to commit. This money they have is tax payers money.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    im sure the good congressman has reason on donating part of his pork barrel to bohol, anyhow its still big help for the province bec they are still pilipino and bisaya pa gyud.

  9. #9
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    the question here is this allowed by law? di ba naa may congressman ang bohol unsa ni nga distrito? pag ka dakong sagpa ani sa iyang pagka congressman kay taga cebu na nuon ang nihatag og pdaf .kuryuso lang sad ko kong allowed ba sad ni .

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pork barrel ni Tomas

    kun magbuhat ug bati likramo kun magbuhat ug maayo likramo lang gihapon. Panglansar kaha mo sunod eleksyon.

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