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  1. #11

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    batia oi. huhu. nindot unta kung all girls ghapon.

  2. #12

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    sayang kaayo. sila nalng ang nag inusara na exclusive for girls.

  3. #13

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    maau nuon para d cla matomboy. haha.

  4. #14

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    mas nindot COED kaysa all-girls or all-boys na approach...

  5. #15

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    Di ko ganahan kay maguba ilang reputasyon na all-girls school.

  6. #16

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    Woohoo klasi na!

    Naa ko question mga migo/miga:
    Naay "washday" ang STC?
    Kana' ganing, adlaw na bisan unsa na t-shirt pwede isul-ob?

    Salamat daan sa tubag! ^^

  7. #17

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    kun highschool...! nahan ko skwela balik

  8. #18

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    college ra na ang washday hehe

  9. #19

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    modawat nasad sila og BOYS sa ilang college, daghan baya mga yum yum yum na girls diri da, sayanga graduate nman ko gud

  10. #20

    Default Re: St. Theresa's College will be ACCEPTING BOYS for the incoming school year.

    after all its business.. mao manawat na siguro og boys..

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