View Poll Results: Do you agree that parents should be required to plant a tree for each child born?

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  • Yes

    23 63.89%
  • No

    13 36.11%
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  1. #51

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    agree! and make the penalty bigger! why are we so afraid of penalties? Mao bitaw na nga dili mosunod sa mga balaod kay mo ingon man dayon nga "ok ra na gamay ra bitaw penalty".

  2. #52

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    Quote Originally Posted by machinecult View Post
    Yes we are in a Third World country because people are gullible enough to jump on a bandwagon with attractive logos attached to it like "Environmentalism". First World countries didn't become what they are just by squatting in circles singing songs in the campfire and hugging trees, dancing in the forests. Which is what I think your sympathies lie by addressing planet Earth "MOTHER". You probably cried when the tree collapsed in the Avatar movie.

    Anyway. Paying taxes promote civic improvement. Unfortunately we have a corrupt government creating laws like these instead of using our tax to spend on better sewage systems, stricter waste management. They spend less while we pay more.

    Sorry, but we're not seeing this on the same level. Mainly because I don't want a government that extends its power to further "discipline" its people in behalf of a 'Mother Earth' concept. That is not how I remember Republicanism and Democracy.

    The government is not asking. Its commanding, and failure to comply is punishable by this new law. Its an attack on family, individualism wrapped around noble-sounding causes like environmentalism. It does not affect me personally as of now because I don't have children but that does not make any difference at all. Its not only a useless bill but a dangerous bill to any one's future if they value personal liberties and freedoms.

    If you value your children. Don't let them live in a Nanny-State wherein the government control their lives even their way of thinking. Family, not the state, should teach them about responsibility and develop their common sense to identify right and wrong despite what corrupt-prone government says so.

    That's all right. Popular vote is not always the right vote.
    machinecult's absolutely right.

    By the way, don't you guys realize that environmentalists are gradually threatening our nation's sovereignty?

  3. #53

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    Thanks TS.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    Government action often times produce more problems than the one it is addressing... I fear one day i will wake up, and there's a law on how much toilet paper i can use to wipe my ass....really now, laws cannot solve all the problems in the world.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    nindot ni da. swerte ko ky 2 ra.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    Quote Originally Posted by DailyCore View Post
    machinecult's absolutely right.

    By the way, don't you guys realize that environmentalists are gradually threatening our nation's sovereignty?
    the extreme green movement disregards property rights to a point of having similarities with communist ideologies..

  7. #57

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    While I can understand people not being excited about such a move or even being unsupportive of this bill I must confess to being baffled how anyone could be totally opposed even to the point of calling it fascism. I mean seriously, what's the big deal? We're not talking forced sterilization or mandatory military service.... this bill is nothing sinister, it's about planting trees for heaven's sake!

  8. #58

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    los2x, galisod gani ug pasar sa RH bill, mag buhat2x na dayun ani,

  9. #59

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    I like the noble cause pero mao napod ni chance sa uban para sa graft & corruption.

    For sure, ang uban couples will and can pay the officials to just give them the certificates even w/o planting a single tree. Dont you guys agree?

  10. #60

    Default Re: Congress proposal - REQUIRE all parents to plant a tree for each child born to th

    @ reptoid: some people think that natural rights are nonnegotiable, hence the huge fuss over the idea that government can do what it thinks is good.... it is the idea that men are made of clay, be molded and shaped into whatever is desirable for the society... i noticed machinecult citing individualism and liberties, both deeply tied with natural rights, as his ground for opposing such a needless regulation. Is it harmless? maybe. But i always feel harassed being monitored with my every move. Honestly, if the community or nation as a whole doesn't recognize the importance of planting trees, the laws are useless... therefore, if we want to achieve this at great length, we need to convince and persuade the importance of planting trees rather than threat them with the arm of law....

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