hello fellow istoryans!
I'm asking for suggestion/advice from you guys!
I really love ornamental fish since I was a kid..
I have fresh water fish in here... but i wanna try sumthing new...
"Salt Water Fishes" in my aquarium! heheh

I guess it's more time needed to maintain it.. but i wanna give a try!
I find it so so interesting coz of its bright colors and most of all the live rocks
with natural organisms growing on it.... and of course the anemones...
Actually, right now, I have several salt fishes on my tank...
I'm trying my best to "google" and "youtube" some information on how things work!
but it's a bit harder!
by the way..
The sea creatures I have are the ff:
- 1 anemone fish(clown fish)
- 2 Chromis
- 3 blue colored fish ....... i'm not sure if it's a damselfish or what...

- 1 domino
- 1 eel and 1 seahorse
- lastly the crawling creatures (sea stars and a crab)
i have a 40 gallon tank ... but unfortunately i don't have a sump/refugium yet..
for now, my tank's only relying to my ordinary filter...
... and i have this wonderful creatures for 3 days as of the moment...
as i have observed they're doing fine... but i'm a bit bother for the next weeks or month...
hope to hear golden words from you guyz!
any suggestion/comment or anything that's informative is highly appreciated!
Thank You so much!