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  1. #161
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    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    go organic!!

  2. #162

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Quote Originally Posted by fred1981 View Post
    pero i also believe sad bya TS nga sometimes what u eat also affects the way what you think...certain combinations of chemicals ingested in the body na maka trigger sa mga stress hormones like cortisol and too much refined sugar and carbs of course...
    agree - not only "sometimes" but i think most of the time - we are composed of "mind-body-spirit" interlocked, intertwined, interconnected etc.,

  3. #163
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    power foods for men

    True manhood lies in your strength. On the outside all of you look shiny (thanks to the cosmetic products) and muscular (Gods bless those protein shakes). Nevertheless, how strong are you from inside? How good are you when it comes to stamina? Smoking is not necessarily the only reason that you start panting after climbing three flights. Read on as we tell you how can you improve your stamina and work towards improving your power to fight diseases.

    Green tea: Leafy tea is best for your body. It improves your metabolism and contains antioxidants that fight almost all major illness. Green tea is best amongst them all as it contains potent flavonoids that improve the antioxidant action. It also prevents the block cells from getting damaged, reducing chances of cancer.


    True manhood lies in your strength. On the outside all of you look shiny (thanks to the cosmetic products) and muscular (Gods bless those protein shakes). Nevertheless, how strong are you from inside? How good are you when it comes to stamina? Smoking is not necessarily the only reason that you start panting after climbing three flights. Read on as we tell you how can you improve your stamina and work towards improving your power to fight diseases.
    Green tea: Leafy tea is best for your body. It improves your metabolism and contains antioxidants that fight almost all major illness. Green tea is best amongst them all as it contains potent flavonoids that improve the antioxidant action. It also prevents the block cells from getting damaged, reducing chances of cancer.
    Garlic: You might not be able to help the smell and run away from it, but you must accept the fact that it is amazing for your health. Men should have at least two chunks of garlic every day as it works wonders on your health. Your immune system will improve drastically and minor issues like cough and cold never bother you. The antibacterial properties it has, will help you fight viral fevers and any kind of infections. Men with high cholesterol should swear by garlic as it helps in lowering the cholesterol level and prevents

    Power foods for Men Photos | Pictures - Yahoo! News Maktoob

  4. #164

    Default Opportunities - Gold-in-fish waiting for us

    Viet Nam’s Fisheries Sector Sets Target for 2012

    Please check above link. Vietnam targeting billions of USD while we are sleeping, dreaming; while Vietnam is acting on their dreams-vision. I hope that we can someday unite and work together to challenge this export market that Vietnam is enjoying or at least share with them some part of it.


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  5. #165

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Perspiring is one way our body “detoxifies” itself-apart from cooling function. If we suppress this area of the body by “plugging” them with “deodorants” then we are indeed looking for problems with dire consequences.

    The article below on “deodorants” and the chemicals used are being questioned. More seriously, if outside “chemicals” to suppress perspiration can get inside through the skin and have an effect, how much more dangerous is what we feed(our food quality) and goes inside(processed) our body. Then we need to DETOXIFY later when CANCER is forthcoming. Health and food quality is what we wish to promote at Philippine Aquaponics.

    Parabens in Antiperspirants May Cause Breast Cancer

    The use of deodorants is like treating the symptoms instead of treating the root cause of the problem. Smell and perspiration is a function of what you eat or what you do not eat.

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  6. #166

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    GM Foods: The Shocking Cause of Birth Defects

    Food for today, hunger and cancer for tomorrow. Reinventing the “wheel”?? We need to take hold of our future and understand what is good for us by understanding nature and how it works – the cycle of life. I believe we do not need to re-invent “God’s Wheel”, it is already perfect by itself, we just need to know how to use (apply) it wisely. God wants us to be happy and not dependent on others for our food and survival and enjoy what He made for us. If we just take good care of what He “designed” for us there is more than enough for everyone.

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  7. #167

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    It is said absolutely right that health begins with the food we eat, so it is very necessary to eat the healthy food instead of heavy food. Your diet should be a mixture of equal protein and vitamins, carbohydrates and several other things which are helpful for your body, take salad with the diet is very helpful.

    Health Guide

  8. #168

    Default Harmony and Understanding

    Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Health - Poultry Articles from The Poultry Site

    Alternatives to anti-biotics, pro-biotics ?? Understanding how the bacteria-micro-organism work is critical to the function of Aquaponics System. I have inserted the topic here on anti-biotics for others to get a glimpse of the interaction of bacteria in our lives and almost everything we do. We can either make war with it or make peace. To “win” the war, we must know our enemy. Our “war” need not be violent-just as mankind has been, we just need to understand(intelligent war) and work with our “friends” and the “friends of our friends”.

    The war with bacteria and micro-organisms as I observed is no different when we observe our relationship with our fellow men. Each has the right to exist and be respected regardless of their race, creed or religion. So are the bacteria-micro-organisms. Let us learn about them and respect them. We live in peace and harmony with our environment in both seen and unseen(bacteria-micro-organisms)

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  9. #169

    Default Help alert our DA

    First Super Weeds, Now Super Insects -- Thanks to Monsanto

    Please help alert our DA. Above article refutes the finding of our dearly beloved Filipino scientist at DA and advocates in Congress of the Philippines that Bt eggplant is safe. Bt toxins are found in the pregnant women and babies in CANADA !!!!! Please my dear friends tell DA in Luzon about this if this article does not make any sense and whether there is any truth to this or not. Bt corn and Bt eggplant is propagated in Luzon

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  10. #170
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    Five life-changing foods
    Five foods to enhance your success in life

    Throughout your lifetime you will probably encounter many life-changing events and make-or-break opportunities, and preparing for these moments properly can help ensure your success. The foods you eat can help influence your mood, prepare your body and put you in the right frame of mind. Here are seven foods to help you achieve success.
    Event: Job interview
    What to eat: Soybeans
    If you’ve got a big job interview coming up, it’s easy for nerves to get the better of you. Fortunately, researchers at McGill University in Montreal have found that foods containing tryptophan (an essential amino acid) can give you that confidence boost you need to help things go well. While there are many good sources of tryptophan such as chicken and salmon, tryptophan-rich roasted soybeans or edamame beans are a handy food to snack on prior to your interview

    Event: Exams
    What to eat: Breakfast cereal
    In the lead up to exams, try eating a healthy diet packed with whole grains to help give your brain a boost. Whole grain breakfast cereals are not only a good source of energy to help keep you alert and focused, they are also a rich source of folate, which can help speed up information processing and memory recall. While not technically a food, you could also try popping in some chewing gum prior to your exam, as research has suggested that chewing on gum can improve test scores and improve memory by 35%.

    Event: Heated argument
    What to eat: Walnuts
    While most of the time disagreements can be resolved, serious or frequent arguments can damage relationships and impact on your happiness. Rather than living to regret words said in the heat of the moment, try to defuse an argument by controlling your anger. Research has shown that Omega-3 deficiency can contribute to aggressive behaviour, while a Japanese study has suggested that zinc may ease anger in women. To up your intake of both these nutrients, try snacking on walnuts when you feel your blood start to boil or to help you calm down before discussing a problem.

    Event: Relationship breakdown
    What to eat: Oily fish
    The breakdown of a relationship can naturally lead to feelings of depression and negativity which can be hard to shake off. While these feelings are unavoidable and will take time to get over, to help get through this difficult time as best as you can try to up your intake of oily fish such as wild salmon and tuna, which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12, both of which can help to regulate the mood and ward off depression.

    Event: Making big decisions
    What to eat: Yoghurt
    If you’ve got a big decision to make, whether to do with your career, relationship, health or finances, it’s important to try to increase your mental clarity and focus to help you make the right decision. To help get yourself in the right frame of mind, try snacking on yoghurt which is rich in iodine and zinc, which can both help boost mental clarity and brain function. Researchers from Toronto University also found that the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus casei found in some yoghurts can decrease anxiety, helping to put you in a calmer frame of mind for decision making.

    gulfnews : Five life-changing foods

    keep in mind,basin makatabang ni og tinuod diay.

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