...by helping our motherland we need to
buy a LEGAL GOODS nga we think nga
makatabang sa atong Economiya. We are NOT
greedy right? so we need to
learn to share sad... so, that's
one of the good things nga atong ma-
example as
being an individual....

? it is just our self interest... - that's the act of a greediness, acquisitive, avaricious, avid, carnivorous, close, close-fisted, covetous, craving, desirous, devouring, eager, edacious, esurient, gluttonous, gobbling, gormandizing, grabby, grasping, grudging, gulping, guzzling, hoggish, hungry, impatient, insatiable, insatiate, intemperate, itchy, miserly, niggardly, omnivorous, parsimonious, pennypinching, penurious, piggish, prehensile, rapacious, ravening, ravenous, selfish, stingy, swinish, tight-fisted, and voracious ....
...hahhhhhayyyy that's creepy!