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  1. #1

    Default KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    By Alastair Jamieson and news services
    SYDNEY - Fast-food chain KFC has been ordered to pay $8.3 million (AUS$8 million) in damages to the family of an Australian girl who was left severely brain damaged and in a wheelchair after being poisoned by a chicken meal.
    In 2005, Monika Samaan, then aged seven, her parents and her brother were hospitalized with salmonella poisoning after eating a "Twister" chicken wrap at a KFC restaurant near Sydney.

    World News - KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

  2. #2

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    ay maka da.ut sa utuk ang food poison.?

    8.3m *nomnomnom

  3. #3

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    Murag di man siguro maka hilo ang food poisoning noh?

  4. #4

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    ^ wa ku kita anang salidaha gud.. hahaha

    btaw bro, wa ku kahibaw maka ".. nag libug na nuun kus imung sarcasm..

  5. #5

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    Stories like this make me think about the relative value of a human life. For instance in Bhopal, India a chemical plant disaster killed 2259 people. The American company responsible ended up paying around $2000 (Aus and US dollar have parity) for each death. So what I'm wondering is this.... is an Australian life 4000 times more valuable than an Indian life?

  6. #6

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Stories like this make me think about the relative value of a human life. For instance in Bhopal, India a chemical plant disaster killed 2259 people. The American company responsible ended up paying around $2000 (Aus and US dollar have parity) for each death. So what I'm wondering is this.... is an Australian life 4000 times more valuable than an Indian life?
    Mas ngilngig lang siguro ang lawyers sa australia.

  7. #7

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    grabha 8.3, hehehe.

  8. #8
    C.I.A. DEMONOCIETY's Avatar
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    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    Quote Originally Posted by Barakutang View Post
    grabha 8.3, hehehe.
    unya brain damage man sukli kalisod ana ok ra siguro unta if brain damage nga naa pata sa panimoot pero kung flipaks pud ang resulta or fatality, labaw pa sa tabla.

  9. #9

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    agoy kalami bia ani..but for sure isolated case rman ni..

  10. #10

    Default Re: KFC told to pay $8.3 million to Australian girl poisoned by Twister wrap

    Quote Originally Posted by DEMONOCIETY View Post
    unya brain damage man sukli kalisod ana ok ra siguro unta if brain damage nga naa pata sa panimoot pero kung flipaks pud ang resulta or fatality, labaw pa sa tabla.
    mao jud ahak tabla ray gi ango2x ang resulta hehe

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