; this short program for emu8086 shows how to keep constant temperature
; using heater and thermometer (between 60° to 80°),
; it is assumed that air temperature is lower 60°.
; thermometer.exe is started automatically from c:\emu8086\devices.
; it is also accessible from the "virtual devices" menu of the emulator.
; temperature rises fast, thus emulator should be set to run at the maximum speed.
; if closed, the thermometer window can be re-opened from emulator's "virtual devices" menu.
;name "stepper"
name "thermo"
; ========= data ===============
; bin data for clock-wise
; half-step rotation:
datcw db 0000_0110b
db 0000_0100b
db 0000_0011b
db 0000_0010b
; bin data for counter-clock-wise
; half-step rotation:
datccw db 0000_0011b
db 0000_0001b
db 0000_0110b
db 0000_0010b
; bin data for clock-wise
; full-step rotation:
datcw_fs db 0000_0001b
db 0000_0011b
db 0000_0110b
db 0000_0000b
; bin data for counter-clock-wise
; full-step rotation:
datccw_fs db 0000_0100b
db 0000_0110b
db 0000_0011b
db 0000_0000b
; set data segment to code segment:
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
;mov ax, cs
;mov ds, ax
in al, 125
mov ah, 0
;mov dx, ax
out 199, ax ; output temp to LED port(199)
;mov ax,dx
;in al, 125
cmp al, 10
jl very_low
cmp al, 30
jle low
cmp al, 50
jle med
jg high
cmp al, 2
jle heater_on
;mov al, 1
;out 127, al ; turn heater "on".
jmp start
mov al, 1
out 127, al ; turn heater "on".
jmp start
mov cx, 14
jmp stepper
mov cx, 7
jmp stepper
mov cx, 1
cmp al, 80
jg heater_off
jmp stepper
mov al, 0
out 127, al ; turn heater "off".
jmp stepper
mov bx, offset datcw ; start from clock-wise half-step.
mov si, 0
;mov cx, 0 ; step counter
; motor sets top bit when it's ready to accept new command
wait: in al, 7
test al, 10000000b
jz wait
mov al, [bx][si]
out 7, al
inc si
cmp si, 4
jb next_step
mov si, 0
dec cx
cmp cx, 0
jnz delay
mov cx, 0
;inc cx
;cmp cx, steps_before_direction_change
;jb next_step
;mov cx, 0
;add bx, 4 ; next bin data
;cmp bx, offset datccw_fs
;jbe next_step
;mov bx, offset datcw ; return to clock-wise half-step.
jmp start