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  1. #81

    Default Food packaging ?

    If food source can be an issue then comes food packaging and their “secret ingredients” seems to be an added complication to our daily lives. If this happens in the US, what about us in the Philippines? My query is how safe are we in the Philippines? When can we be truly safe and feel protected in our beloved country?
    FDA Says It Will Deny Request to Ban BPA
    People put a lot of effort in maintaining their car through proper maintenance, right, oil, fuel, air, water etc., we should do so for our body and not only what we feed but now also the packaging!!! Where does this end?

  2. #82

    Default Natural Food and Natural Remedies -

    I hope someday we can make or produce this “natural food” instead of buying them in “packages”. We may not know now how to do it and make it sustainable, but surely we have bright guys out there just waiting to tell us how do it right. We are not endorsing the product but wish to inform perhaps how we can make or start the "idea of producing" the product naturally and sustainably.

    Chlorella | Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella -

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  3. #83

    Default Poisoning of the bees - ??

    Colony Collapse Disorder – the bees are the angels of our agriculture – the US studied the results of the results of poisoning the environment, it in the US, what about our bees in the Philippines and insects, that work with mother nature to work for us, for our benefit. The good, the bad and the deadly…(Are we poisoning also our bees?)

    Vanishing of the Bees | Documentary Film

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  4. #84

    Default Our children's future are in your hands..

    Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants May Lead to Brain Inflammation

    The advantage of being poor is not being able to afford all those vaccines they plug on American babies. Our street children have better immune systems than those rich pampered babies. Our street children have been protected by “poverty” and “natural processes”. Let's give them a chance on good healthy food. "Like" us in facebook link below.

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  5. #85

    Default Raising the bar

    Permaculture concepts would be best combined when working with aquaponics. Merging these two principles would enhance operational efficiency, productivity and the looks of the environment with a more natural blending. We are able to work with nature to the fullest by using its natural formation. Not sure if it is proper to call it "Permaponics" merging aquaponics with permaculture. What I like about Permaculture is it's adaptation to designing(landscaping) with natural contours of the land and bringing us closer to nature. If we can develop these in the Philippines then we will have "Philippine Permaponics". This can then start the real "ecotourism" by bring people close to nature.

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  6. #86

    Default Do it yourself FREE FEEDS ?? That is the bitter way

    Aquaculture Feed | How To Make Fish Feed - Download FREE GUIDE |

    Make your own fish feed (??) Why not let nature make it for you - there is always a bitter way, there is a better way. If our neighbors can produce fish at almost ZERO cost, that means they have a superior way...ignorance can be very very expensive...

  7. #87

    Default Engineered Food

    The Hidden Time Bomb in Genetically Engineered Foods

    Genetically Engineered Foods - Being an engineer this sounds exciting, however not when we begin to challenge the wisdom of God's creativity. The pattern has shown that any thing we do with nature has it's repercussion. Everytime we try to create something out of what has been created especially in the field of agriculture has always impacted us. Perhaps when God said that we rule the earth does not include manipulating HIS "life giving" process. Life can only come from life itself, God is the giver and the taker..

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  8. #88

    Default There is no need for greed, hunger or violence.

    Trade Department Boosts Cream Dory Industry

    “The Philippines currently imports approximately 600 metric tons of fillets per month. If we could substitute this importation by producing our own via the Pangasius, P650 million worth of investments and P945 million in sales will be generated and 2,700 jobs will be created come 2016,” said DTI Central Luzon Regional Pangasius industry manager Zorina Aldana.*

    There is no need for greed, hunger or violence, there is so much demand for fish - let us start learning and producing our very own is no rocket science. OFW's friendds and relatives please, please take note.

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  9. #89

    Default seaweed aquaponics

    Bioengineered Microbes Turn Seaweed into Biofuels - Bioenergy Articles from The Bioenergy Site
    A very unique advantage of the Philippines is the length of the coast line (as we are composed of islands), that means, tapping the resources of the sea and bringing them to the shore or even inland. ( Sort of create an Irrigation Canal from the sea inward) Seaweed Aquaponics should be explored by our Government and exploit our advantage without the disadvantage of the traditional seaweed farming that is off-shore, susceptible to storms. Hence, instead of producing vegetables/herbs we produce seaweeds and salt water fish.
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  10. #90

    Default Moving towards sustainability and renewabiity

    Researching on the use of soil-microbe to superefficient biofuel-factory is the research topic below. That is the objective/wish of the US scientists.

    My wish is for us(Filipinos – Philippine Aquaponics) to be able to find a bacteria that will turn our bio-filters into a superefficient nutrient-factory that will supply nutrients to our plants-vegetables-herbs and hasten growth and food production.

    I believe this way we do not tamper with the “genetics” but we just worked and assisted/facilitated nature to help us be more efficient in producing food.

    From Soil Microbe to Super-Efficient Biofuel Factory? - Bioenergy Articles from The Bioenergy Site

    Moving towards a truly sustainable and renewable processes and healthy lifestyle.

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