how to uninstall softwaresna dili mauninstall..ako driver sa webcam kay dli ma uninstall..
how to uninstall softwaresna dili mauninstall..ako driver sa webcam kay dli ma uninstall..
u must delete it sa registry inorder to remove it completely, use regedit sa windows, to open it go to start menu > run > type regedit. after regedit is launched u must manually search for its registry, press f3 then type the manufacturer and/or model sa imu i delete, if naa cyas search result delete it, vice versa until ma delete nimu entire regeistry niya. getz?
try add/remove programs first, if dili then regedit. you can also the regseeker... ask uncle google about it...
kung ako i click ang action will be taken kuya...
walay epix kuya..ako na gitry sa add/remove programs..walay ACTION gibuhat....
use regedit sa windows or regseeker...
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