lipay ang mga pari ani
would be alarming if it will hit a million on 2015.....
Mas kapugngan pa ang baha kaysa sa biga. No crave man gani ang pari unsa pa kaha ang mga minyo? One day, we will be like Nigeria, over populated and have very limited resources to feed it's people.
You mean one hundred million? You can count on it, bro. More than half of the population are living on the poverty line and those people are the most productive when it comes to the issue of population.
Last edited by ghostie2472; 04-11-2012 at 04:57 PM.
Quo vadis, Philippines? “There is sufficiency for man’s needs,” Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi once said, “but not for man’s greed.” Nor, it seems, for ill-judged dogmas and short-term planning.
the Govt. needs to think some long term solution and fast....
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa reallyunsaun nlng ni ang philippines...
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