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  1. #651

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    St Ambrose says: 'Admit without hesitation that you are a servant obliged to carry out a great number of tasks. Do not swagger about because you are called a child of God. Let us acknowledge the grace, but not forget our nature. Do not become swollen-headed if you have served well, because you have done what you were supposed to do. The sun carries out its task and the moon obeys; the angels perform their duties. The instrument chosen by God for the gentiles says: "I do not deserve the name of apostle, because I have persecuted the Church of God" (1 Cor 15:9)... May we also refrain from seeking praise for ourselves,' for our own merits, which are always pitiful and small.

    Friends of God by St. Josemaria Escriva

  2. #652
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by petite fleur View Post
    Mag think sa ko unsaon Ate Wen.. mg inform lang ko...ako lang tale e compress churva
    bantay ka hap

  3. #653

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    nice lagi ni, asa ta pde mka download ani nga mga movies?

  4. #654

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    ato ning buhion ug balik ang thread @wenlove @petite fleur!

  5. #655
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    St. Vincent Ferrer

    Feastday: April 5
    Patron of Builders

    St. Vincent Ferrer is the patron saint of builders because of his fame for "building up" and strengthening the Church: through his preaching, missionary work, in his teachings, as confessor and adviser. At Valencia in Spain, this illustrious son of St. Dominic came into the world on January 23, 1357. In the year 1374, he entered the Order of St. Dominic in a monastery near his native city. Soon after his profession he was commissioned to deliver lectures on philosophy. On being sent to Barcelona, he continued his scholastic duties and at the same time devoted himself to preaching. At Lerida, the famous university city of Catalonia, he received his doctorate. After this he labored six years in Valencia, during which time he perfected himself in the Christian life. In 1390, he was obliged to accompany Cardinal Pedro de Luna to France, but he soon returned home. When, in 1394, de Luna himself had become Pope at Avignon he summoned St. Vincent and made him Master of the sacred palace. In this capacity St. Vincent made unsuccessful efforts to put an end to the great schism. He refused all ecclesiastical dignities, even the cardinal's hat, and only craved to be appointed apostolical missionary. Now began those labors that made him the famous missionary of the fourteenth century. He evangelized nearly every province of Spain, and preached in France, Italy, Germany, Flanders, England, Scotland, and Ireland. Numerous conversions followed his preaching, which God Himself assisted by the gift of miracles. Though the Church was then divided by the great schism, the saint was honorably received in the districts subject to the two claimants to the Papacy. He was even invited to Mohammedan Granada, where he preached the gospel with much success. He lived to behold the end of the great schism and the election of Pope Martin V. Finally, crowned with labors, he died April 5, 1419. His feast day is April 5.

  6. #656
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    St. Celestine I
    Feastday: April 6

    Celestine I The founder of the papal diplomatic service, Pope/St. Celestine I was born in the Campania and served as a deacon under Innocent I. Elected pope in 422, Celestine confiscated the property of Novationite churches and restored a basilica in St. Mary Travestere after it had been damaged in Alaric's sack of Rome. Although Celestine confirmed the appointment of Nestorius to the see of Constantinople, the pope opposed Nestorius' teachings and supported Cyril of Alexandria in the conflict between the two patriarchs. Celestine also combatted Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism in southern Gaul and in England. He is supposed to have sent Palladius to evangelize Ireland in 431. Celestine died in the following year and was buried in the cemetary of Priscilla.

  7. #657

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    very nice stories get more inpired. subscribed maam Wen

  8. #658
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    St. John Baptist de la Salle
    Feastday: April 7
    Patron of Teachers

    John Baptist de la Salle was born at Rheims, France on April 30th. He was the eldest of ten children in a noble family. He studied in Paris and was ordained in 1678. He was known for his work with the poor. He died at St. Yon, Rouen, on April 7th. He was canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1900. John was very involved in education. He founded the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (approved in 1725) and established teacher colleges (Rheims in 1687, Paris in 1699, and Saint-Denis in 1709). He was one of the first to emphasize classroom teaching over individual instruction. He also began teaching in the vernacular instead of in Latin. His schools were formed all over Italy. In 1705, he established a reform school for boys at Dijon. John was named patron of teachers by Pope Pius XII in 1950. His feast day is April 7th.

  9. #659

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    very nice thread.....i hope other religion will understand what our saints are for..... We roam them in the streets during their feast, to show the people that this guy human just like us...teacher, student, youth, laborer, mother, etc....just like us....took up their cross...and sacrificed their life for christ....

  10. #660
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    St. Julie Billiart

    Feast Day: April 8

    Born in Cuvilly, France, into a family of well-to-do farmers, young Marie Rose Julie Billiart showed an early interest in religion and in helping the sick and poor. Though the first years of her life were relatively peaceful and uncomplicated, Julie had to take up manual work as a young teen when her family lost its money. However, she spent her spare time teaching catechism to young people and to the farm laborers.
    A mysterious illness overtook her when she was about 30. Witnessing an attempt to wound or even kill her father, Julie was paralyzed and became a complete invalid. For the next two decades she continued to teach catechism lessons from her bed, offered spiritual advice and attracted visitors who had heard of her holiness.

    When the French Revolution broke out in 1789, revolutionary forces became aware of her allegiance to fugitive priests. With the help of friends she was smuggled out of Cuvilly in a haycart; she spent several years hiding in Compiegne, being moved from house to house despite her growing physical pain. She even lost the power of speech for a time.

    But this period also proved to be a fruitful spiritual time for Julie. It was at this time she had a vision in which she saw Calvary surrounded by women in religious habits and heard a voice saying, "Behold these spiritual daughters whom I give you in an Institute marked by the cross." As time passed and Julie continued her mobile life, she made the acquaintance of an aristocratic woman, Françoise Blin de Bourdon, who shared Julie's interest in teaching the faith. In 1803 the two women began the Institute of Notre Dame, which was dedicated to the education of the poor as well as young Christian girls and the training of catechists. The following year the first Sisters of Notre Dame made their vows. That was the same year that Julie recovered from the illness: She was able to walk for the first time in 22 years.

    Though Julie had always been attentive to the special needs of the poor and that always remained her priority, she also became aware that other classes in society needed Christian instruction. From the founding of the Sisters of Notre Dame until her death, Julie was on the road, opening a variety of schools in France and Belgium that served the poor and the wealthy, vocational groups, teachers. Ultimately, Julie and Françoise moved the motherhouse to Namur, Belgium.

    Julie died there in 1816. She was canonized in 1969.

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