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  1. #1

    Default Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

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    Over the past few years apple has reign in the world of mobile industries. By introducing the new generation of phone “the iPhones” Apple has gain lots and lots of consumers over the market. Every version from iPod – iPad and iPhone drive people nuts just to have one..or sometimes MORE!Last year apple gave us iPhone 4 with bunch of advance features you may haven’t seen on any other phones. This year(2012) they gave us iPhone 4S, so what’s with this new iphone? Is it really worth it to give up you iphone 4 and shift to iphone 4S? or let’s just simply say, “Do you really have to buy this iPhone?” Consider this article as your basic guide in deciding whether iphone to BUY or NOT an iPhone 4S.The Bright Side. iPhone 4S offers new features which is commonly done in the market every time a new entry arrives. iPhone 4S feature 1080p HD video recording, iOS 5, FaceTime, Siri, Retina Display,iCloud,iSight..etc.(you can find the definition of each features by visiting the link below.)
    Now if you are new to iPhone and you are really willing to have one it is your choice but you may want to read this few list I made before you decide. These are some info’s you may want to consider before you buy one, who knows it’ll change your decision.For Lower Class People:Frankly, I don’t think this class of people can afford an iPhone so please consider if I disregard them in this article.For Middle-Class people:Most of middle class people really want to have this kind of phone, not because they need it but they want it. For some reason having an iphone 4S(upgrade or new) does not make any sense if you’re a middle class guy/girl or whoever you think of yourself. The first benefit of having an iphone instead of other mobile phones is not just being a phone but it’s wifi,3G or 4G,and GPS; as we all know it those services except wifi are not yet fully domesticated in our country(Philippines). Now if you cannot avail those services I mentioned because it’s not available or free, it only means having an iPhone 4s is a one huge mistake so, think about it, purchasing a phone costing you P40k+ but not you can’t utilize its features. Is it worth it?So, about the services like 3G or 4G, some IS providers or Telecom Companies offer this services, that includes the two biggest rival networks in the country (Smart & Globe Telecom). But of course that comes with a price. Imagine the burden you can get through if you try to use all those features you have in your iPhone. Some Telecom Companies like Smart & Globe offer plans that can help you have an iphone without earning some huge amount for just a one day pay out. These plans make people pay every month for both iphone unit and the load which they provide. They encourage you to avail expensive plans listed on their brochures so that you can just buy the unit in a much more lover price or sometimes free. Let’s have an example here; as what I remember, I went to one of those telecom to inquire about the iphone plan(I did that for this article) and they told me that if I avail the Plan of 5000 the iphone unit will become free(of course with the load supplied every month), well guess what comes after, they told me that the plan has a 24 month lock in period, that means you will have to multiply P5000.00 by 24 months= P120,000.00… That may not become a huge issue for higher class people but for us middle-class, I don’t know what can you say but for me, a middle-class man who will agree to this deal by telecoms got a poor education or poor brain. "Middle-class people -this class of society are people who can decide whether to buy or not to buy expensive stuffs but take note that it always comes with a prize(wealthy but not excessive)."For Higher-class persons:Wealthy people are the most consumers consuming apple's products today, When iPhone was built apple wasn't thinking about the poor people whether they can afford to have one or not, they were thinking of the rich one. iPhone was designed to utilize the needs of wealthy people running big businesses, including their entertaiment demands (this demands are mostly coming from their sons & daughters). Most of the rich people are stuborn and does not care how hard is the money to earn, but believe me those people are just 24% of their kind 76% of them are so "KURIPOT" "SIGURISTA" "NEGOSYANTE". That's why I came up with a conclusion that they also have this problem of giving up their stuffs for free or for a lower prize. I saw hundreds of rich people posting their stuffs online like iPad2 or iPhone 3G on its original market prize, and IT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT BRAND NEW! Well, here's the tip. If you own an iPhone 4 and you had used it for a 3 months, giving it up for a lower prize is not good. I suggest that you should continue using it for the next few months and earn for iPhone 4S which I think will be much more affordable as time go on. That is if you're WISE!?Always remember that selling secondhand must always be lower compare to its original prize. Remember that once you opened its box and remove it from its seal you already lost its 100% value. So not Brand new.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    ga parehas ra ni cla sa magnum..overpriced and overrated...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    Sakto kaau ka ts...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    I agree with TS, you can't utilize the features of iphone if you don't have post paid plan..ang mga telecom company sa pinas grabe ka over price laliman ka 2 yrs nka lock middle east pag nka plan ka 1 year lang, free call within the country regardless of what network your going to call..mas barato pa ang voice call compare sa sms.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    Thanks people
    Hope karealize sad atong ubang storyamates

  6. #6

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    You should realize that the iPhone was built initially to be sold at first world countries where the standard of living and the cost of living are much higher. A phone that costs $900 IS expensive that is why most people in the US, for example, prefer to buy their phones subsidized by a carrier. They buy the phone at $0 - $200 and pay $50 and up for their plan with some bundled data (200mb-5gig per month cap) for 2 years. Unlike the Philippines, $50 per month for a plan is manageable even for low earning families in the US since again they have a higher standards of living - which basically means they have higher minimum salaries. They may be earning $30 per day (very small salary) doing janitorial services but still be able to afford the luxury of an iPhone (example).

    $50 per month is about Php 2,250. I think there is a Globe plan that is somewhat close to this price range?

    Anyway we need to also add in the taxes and duties which would in the end raise the price of the device even more.

    The Apple devices are not over rated. It's just that people can see cheaper alternatives and can't seem to justify the prices that Apple products carry. Add to that that a lot of socialites and rich kids use Apple devices - which add somewhat a negative impression to other folks who can't afford it (I don't know why this is - cultural gap, societal divide? I can't understand people sometimes). As a consumer, we have the choice to buy the products that we need or want. So choose the products that you want/need and work for them if you can't afford them yet.

    I choose Apple products because I can see the quality in their work and the integration of their services and digital content stores are great. However, as a consumer I also buy products from other brands. For example, I also have the Samsung Galaxy Note. I did not base my decision on what brand it is. I decided to buy it because the features are what I need as a digital journal and task management device. I saved my salary so I can buy this last year.

    PS. Ang Magnum diha sa ato is Php50 diri sa Singapore kai $5 (which is about Php150) again another example of cost of living. Php50 for an ice cream stick but the price for that in other countries with higher cost of living is even more expensive - but for those who have tested the ice cream will certainly agree that Magnum is worth its price.
    Last edited by comicGeek; 03-28-2012 at 08:58 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by comicGeek View Post
    You should realize that the iPhone was built initially to be sold at first world countries where the standard of living and the cost of living are much higher. A phone that costs $900 IS expensive that is why most people in the US, for example, prefer to buy their phones subsidized by a carrier. They buy the phone at $0 - $200 and pay $50 and up for their plan with some bundled data (200mb-5gig per month cap) for 2 years. Unlike the Philippines, $50 per month for a plan is manageable even for low earning families in the US since again they have a higher standards of living - which basically means they have higher minimum salaries. They may be earning $30 per day (very small salary) doing janitorial services but still be able to afford the luxury of an iPhone (example).

    $50 per month is about Php 2,250. I think there is a Globe plan that is somewhat close to this price range?

    Anyway we need to also add in the taxes and duties which would in the end raise the price of the device even more.

    The Apple devices are not over rated. It's just that people can see cheaper alternatives and can't seem to justify the prices that Apple products carry. Add to that that a lot of socialites and rich kids use Apple devices - which add somewhat a negative impression to other folks who can't afford it (I don't know why this is - cultural gap, societal divide? I can't understand people sometimes). As a consumer, we have the choice to buy the products that we need or want. So choose the products that you want/need and work for them if you can't afford them yet.

    I choose Apple products because I can see the quality in their work and the integration of their services and digital content stores are great. However, as a consumer I also buy products from other brands. For example, I also have the Samsung Galaxy Note. I did not base my decision on what brand it is. I decided to buy it because the features are what I need as a digital journal and task management device. I saved my salary so I can buy this last year.

    PS. Ang Magnum diha sa ato is Php50 diri sa Singapore kai $5 (which is about Php150) again another example of cost of living. Php50 for an ice cream stick but the price for that in other countries with higher cost of living is even more expensive - but for those who have tested the ice cream will certainly agree that Magnum is worth its price.
    That's the point lage..Buy it if you can utilize all of its features... But if ur income and field of living will make this iphone thing cost you a huge burden then you must think twice... and the kind of society who are really need to be aware of it is the mid-class... And that includes you. But in your case gadgets like this are very useful so I can say that you are right in looking toward feature not brand.

    Anyways, Thanks for your nice reasoning , I hope to hear more from you. I am writing another article see you there

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    naa sadkay point ts... pero you sound sooo bitter in the end part......

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravits View Post
    naa sadkay point ts... pero you sound sooo bitter in the end part......
    huh? asa? eye opener ra man gud ni... explaini ko asa dapit hehe/// i'll explain also para clear

  10. #10

    Default Re: Tips before getting an iPhone 4S. See if you're making the right decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravits View Post
    naa sadkay point ts... pero you sound sooo bitter in the end part......
    aw okay i did make a short review on my article and yes it did sound bitter.,.. But it's the fact that we must accept
    That's why I made this article to show you how normally people react over the marketing field... Please feel free to ask if you still have other questions.

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