hi guys! i'm bing and i have an online shop called
Blushing Siren which I hope you would check out and like. i'm selling mostly cute accessories and a bunch of pre-loved stuff every now and then. i do sell things other than accessories at times though so keep updated. for now, here are the ones i'm selling.
Brand: GiBi
Info: wooden sandals with white straps
Defects: straps are starting to peel off while the "screws" at the sides
are starting to get a little rusty
Reason for selling: rarely used; loved the style but it's not really practical
for me to wear; ended up being stored at my closet most of the times;
used for less than 10x at most
Size: 37
Brand: M+Y
Info: light-colored wooden wedge
Defects: None
Reason for selling: never been used; bought it on impulse; not my style
Size: 37
Brand: Luz by Moda Marikina
Info: sleek black wedge with hollowed triangle for heels
Defects: None
Reason for sellng: never been used; bought this together with the
previous one (pic before this): impulse-buying; i don't really like the style
Size: 37
Brand: Parisian Jr.
Info: laced baby doll wedge
Defects: insides are cracked and peeling
Reason for selling: i've outgrew the style
Brand: Parisian Jr.
Info: weaved wedge w/ flower embroidery
Defects: defective lock
Reason for selling: aside from the defective lock (i guess you can have this
fixed at Mr. Quickie or just improvise like what i did), this didn't fit me
comfortably as i kinda have bony feet (lol) and this sort of pinched my foot too much
for my liking; rarely used this too - about 3x at most
Size: 80
Brand: Leaveland
Info: plain white with tri-colored wedge
Defects: None
Reason for selling: too formal-looking; don't have that many occassions
where i could wear this one; worn 5x at most
Size: 36
Brand: Australian
Info: fuschia with black safari print
Defects: None
Reason for selling: i love this (huhu) but i really don't know what had
gotten into me that i bought a pair that was a size too small.. bought
this in Manila and didn't bother to check it out after buying it.. only
found out that it was too small for me when i got back to Cebu
Size: 35
Brand: Shoes Unlimited
Info: brown wedge w/ carved flowers on its heels
Defects: None
Reason for selling: as you may have noticed, i'm fond of buying heels especially
wedges but i don't love wearing them hence this - barely used and just collecting dust
so i guess it's better off if i just sell it to someone else
Size: 37
Brand: What A Girl Wants
Info: brown velvet.ish flats with beaded heart
Defects: None
Reason for selling: i love flats but i don't like pointed ones though i absolutely
adore the color of this one
Size: 36
for the prices, you guys can text me at
09266320399 or
and here are some of the stuff i'm selling at my shop
Blushing Siren so please don't forget to check it out and click on the like button
some of the accessories are at 3 for P100
while these are at 2 for P100
and these are at P75/each
see my shop's albums for a complete list of all the available items..
i guess that's it for now.. happy shopping