bka pwde nyo support yung site na gnawa ko.
you can submit your rig then upload pics to your rig and comment on other rigs.
you could also post articles/reviews about an item at the site.
ataya ani nila duha..mga brutal man au....ahahaha...
karlpox take it as positive critisism...dont take it negatively...anyway check nko imu website...1st sa ako mind kay murag wikipedia..
still needs a lot of work to do,.
pwede bako mka post sa kong cheap rig dri?
as long as it is yours...
soon nlng akong e post akong cheap rig nko.
my HTPC!
phone camera ako gamit.
Intel Celeron G530
Kingston 2gb ddr3 1333
80gb Seagate 7200
Tommade TC800 Micro-ATX
last week pa ni nahuman pero karon ra nako gi post.
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