1.Â* Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? LIVED is to DEVIL as 6323 is to:
Answer: 3236
The most important thing to notice in comparing the words in this problem is that "devil" is "lived" spelled backwards. This is the pattern that you need to apply to the number 6323 - solve the problem by finding which number is 6323 "spelled" backwards. The answer is 3236, option C.
2.Â* Which one of these five is least like the other four?
Answer: Kangaroo
Try picturing each of the five animals in the list and thinking of which characteristics 4 of them have in common that is not found in the fifth.
You might start by thinking that some have fur. If you picture all of the animals on the list, you actually find that they all have fur. Because all the animals on the list are included in the group called "animals with fur," you know that this cannot be the right answer - you need a categorization that excludes one - and only one - animal from the group.
The right answer is that the kangaroo is least like the other four, option B. One reason for this is that a kangaroo can get around on two legs, whereas all of the others are four-legged animals. Another reason is that a kangaroo carries her young around in a pouch, whereas none of the other animals have evolved with pouches to carry their young. There are other justifications as well - how many can you think of?
3.Â* Which number should come next? 144 121 100 81 64 ?
Answer: 49
The most important thing to notice in comparing the words in this problem is that all of these numbers are the product of a number multiplied by itself - they are all squares. In addition, the pattern is a descending list of sequential numbers, squared. Here is the pattern:
144 = 12 x 12
121 = 11 x 11
100 = 10 x 10
81 = 9 x 9
64 = 8 x 8
The next number must be the product of 7 x 7. Therefore, the correct answer is 49, or option D.
4.Â* Even the most ___________ rose has thorns.
Answer: Tempting
This incomplete sentence is focused on the fact that roses have thorns. When thinking about this fact, you may find that you have a negative reaction to the idea of rose thorns. After all, while thorns may serve a positive purpose for the rose itself, anyone who has grabbed a rose by its thorns knows that this is a negative experience and will view thorns with caution from then on.
The way this sentence is constructed tells you that the word you need to fill in the blank is something that contrasts with the downside of roses - the fact that they have thorns. It is a sentence that contrasts positive with negative: "Even the most (positive thing) has (negative thing)." Therefore, we know we are looking for a word that fits into the sentence that describes a positive aspect of roses. In looking over the list of 5 words, all are negative with the exception of the word "tempting". This makes "tempting," answer option E, the best choice to fill the blank.
5.Â* HAND is to Glove as HEAD is to
Answer: Hat
When looking for two pairs of things that act the same way, the best way to approach the problem is to identify how the complete pair (hand and glove) relates the two items. When considering the relationship of a hand to a glove, you may characterize the relationship as a glove as a garment that covers or surrounds a hand, or that a hand fits into. After identifying this relationship, you can create a simple question to test the relationships of other pairings to see if the same relationship is present. For example, you may construct a simple sentence such as "Does a head fit into a ___?" When testing each of the 5 answer options, you'll find that option B - Hat - is the only one that shares the same relationship as a hand to a glove.
is to
is to:
When looking for two pairs of things that act the same way, the best way to approach the problem is to identify how the complete pair relates the two items.
In this example, the first item in the complete pair is an image of two triangles stacked vertically and the second item is two circles lined up horizontally. The first pair has two items that differ in two notable ways: (1) in their shape (triangle vs. circle), and (2) in their physical orientation (vertical vs. horizontal). The first image is the "opposite" of the second image.
When looking for the missing image that completes the second pairing, you should keep in mind what you learned from the first pair (shape and physical orientation). In looking at the first image in the second pair, you'll notice that it contains circles that are stacked vertically. Therefore, you should be looking for the "opposite" of the first pair - triangles that are lined up horizontally. The only answer option that fits this description is D, therefore D is the correct answer.
7.Â* John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 3600 but not 3700. Which does he like:
Answer: 900
John likes squares of whole numbers. The consistent distinction between the pairs of numbers that John likes or doesn't like is that the one that John likes is a square of a whole number. Take a look:
John likes 400. The square root of 400 is 20.
John doesn't like 300. The square root of 300 is approximately 17.32; it is not a whole number squared.
John likes 100. The square root of 100 is 10.
John doesn't like 99. The square root of 99 is approximately 9.95; it is not a whole number squared.
John likes 3600. The square root of 3600 is 60.
John doesn't like 3700. The square root of 3700 is approximately 60.83; it is not a whole number squared.
To answer the question, look through the list of 4 numbers to see which is a square of a whole number. The only number in the list that is exactly equal to a whole number multiplied by itself is 900. The square root of 900 is 30. Therefore, the answer is "A".
8.Â* A fallacious argument is:
Answer: False
This is a vocabulary question. The definition of fallacious is "based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information." The words "disturbing" and "necessary" are conceptually unrelated to the word fallacious, and the word "valid" is actually one of its antonyms (opposites).Therefore, answer option C, "false," is the closest match to the definition of fallacious
9.Â* If you rearrange the letters "ANLDEGN," you would have the name of a(n):
Answer: Country
If you unscramble the letters of "ANLDEGN," you get the word "ENGLAND." England is a country, therefore answer option B is correct.
10.Â* NASA received three messages in a strange language from a distant planet. The scientists studied the messages and found that "Necor Buldon Slock" means "Danger Rocket Explosion" and "Edwan Mynor Necor" means "Danger Spaceship Fire" and "Buldon Gimilzor Gondor" means "Bad Gas Explosion". What does "Slock" mean?
Answer: Rocket
To solve this problem, study the three phrases and their translations to figure out the meanings of the foreign words. The phrases "Necor Buldon Slock" and "Buldon Gimilzor Gondor" both contain a word that translates as "explosion"; also, the only word that these two foreign phrases have in common is "buldon." Therefore, "buldon" must mean "explosion". Following this same procedure with "necor," you will find that "necor" means "danger". By looking at the first foreign phrase again - "Necor Buldon Slock" (which translates as "Danger Rocket Explosion") you can deduce that "slock" means "rocket" since you know the meanings for "buldon" and "necor". Translating word for word, the phrase is "Necor (Danger) Buldon (Explosion) Slock (Rocket)". As is generally the case with foreign languages, the sentence syntax differs in translation. Answer option D, or "Rocket," is the correct answer.
11.Â* If some Wicks are Slicks, and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks. The statement is:
Answer: False
Because the same Slicks that are also Wicks may not be the same Slicks that are also Snicks, we can draw no firm conclusions from the information given that there is a direct relationship between Snicks and Wicks. It is possible that some Wicks may also be Snicks, but you cannot correctly make the statement "some Wicks are definitely Snicks." Therefore, answer option "B," or False, is the right answer.
12.Â* Ann is taller than Jill, and Kelly is shorter than Ann. Which of the following statements would be most accurate?
Answer: It's impossible to tell
The only information supplied in the question is that Ann is taller than both Kelly and Jill. Since there is no information in the question about the difference in height between Kelly and Jill and there is no way to draw conclusions from their shared relationship to Ann, it is impossible to tell how much taller or shorter Kelly is from Jill. Therefore, the correct answer is "D."
13.Â* A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old will his sister be?
Answer: 20
To solve this problem, try to relate everything to the age of the boy by naming the boy's age an unknown variable. For example:
Boy's age = x
Sister's age = x + 8
We know this works because the question has told us that when the boy was 4, his sister was 12 (3 times as old as he was when he was 4) and that is 8 years older than him. She won't always be 3 times as old as him, but she will always be 8 years older than him, so x + 8 is the best representation for the sister's age in relation to the boy's age. As the boy ages to 12 years old, we can replace x with his current age and x + 8 becomes 12 + 8, which equals 20. Therefore the correct answer is "B," or 20.
14.Â* Assume that these two statements are true: All brown-haired men have bad tempers. Larry is a brown-haired man. The statement Larry has a bad temper is:
Answer: True
If all brown-haired men have bad tempers and Larry is a brown-haired man, then Larry has a bad temper. This is true only if both of these statements are true. Since the question tells us that the statements are to be assumed true, then the fact that Larry has a bad temper must also be true. Therefore, the correct answer is "A," or True.
15.Â* Two girls caught 25 frogs. Lisa caught four times as many as Jen did. How many frogs did Jen catch?
Answer: 5
Try setting up an equation to solve this problem, with x=number of frogs that Jen caught. Since Lisa caught four times as many frogs as Jen did, 4x=number of frogs Lisa caught. The total frogs that the two girls caught is 25, so the final equation looks something like this: x + 4x = 25
Solve for x:
x + 4x = 25
5x = 25 combine like variables (x + 4x = 5x)
x = 5 divide both sides of the equation by 5 (5x /5 = x; 25/5 = 5)
The solution to this problem is 5, therefore the answer is "B".
16.Â* Inept is the opposite of:
Answer: Skillful
The definition of inept is "generally incompetent and ineffectual." Try reversing the definition of inept to see if it could describe any of the five words given as answer options. Remember, you are looking for the closest match, not necessarily the best possible opposite (which may not be present in the answer options). Since someone who is competent and effectual could be called skillful, "skillful" is the word that is closest to the opposite of "inept." Therefore the answer is "C."
17.Â* A car traveled 28 miles in 30 minutes. How many miles per hour was it traveling?
Answer: 56
A useful thing to know in figuring out this problem is that Time travelled = Distance traveled/Rate of travel, or, T=d/r. To see how this works, plug in some numbers test it. For example, you know that if you are driving 60 miles per hour (rate), you can travel 120 mile (distance) in 2 hours (time). Plug this into the formula T=d/r to see if it's true: 2 = 120/60 - it works out!
Now that you have a formula that works, you can solve this problem by plugging in the values that are known. 30 minutes is the time, 28 miles is the distance, and the rate of travel (miles per hour) is unknown. Since you will want to solve this problem in terms of hours, you'll want the time to be expressed in terms of hours; 30 minutes is the same as 0.5 hours, which is the measurement that you'll want to use in your equation.
Solve for r:
0.5 = 28/r
0.5r = 28 multiply both sides by r (0.5 x r = 0.5r; 28/r x r = 2

r = 56 divide both sides by 0.5 (0.5r/0.5 = r; 28/0.5 = 56)
Since r (the rate of travel) equals 56, the car was going 56 miles per hour and the correct answer to this problem is "C."
18.Â* If all Zips are Zoodles, and all Zoodles are Zonkers, then all Zips are definitely Zonkers.
The above sentence is logically:
Answer: True
To solve this problem, it may be helpful to draw a diagram. The question is phrased in such a way that you might be able to see a progression of inclusions, much like Russian nesting dolls (which stack one inside the other) or concentric circles. Try following this series of steps to arrive at your answer:
1. The innermost layer is the group called "Zips". Draw a small circle in the middle of a piece of paper and write "Zips" inside the circle.
2. The next layer out is the group called "Zoodles". Since we are told that all Zips are Zoodles, we know that the circle that we draw to signify the group called "Zoodles" will need to include the circle we drew to include the group called "Zips". However - this is where it gets tricky - this does not mean that all Zoodles are Zips, so we need to account for cases in which a Zoodle is not a Zip, so the circle we draw to signify the group called "Zoodles" must be larger than the one we drew to signify "Zips". Draw another circle on your paper, which both includes the circle you drew to signify the group called "Zips" and is also slightly larger than the Zips circle, then write "Zoodles" in the space inside the larger circle and outside the smaller circle. Your diagram should now look like two nested (or concentric) circles, the smaller marked "Zips" and the larger marked "Zoodles". What this diagram says is that "all Zips are Zoodles, but not all Zoodles are Zips".
3. Continue in this way, drawing the third circle layer and identifying it as "Zonkers." Now the diagram reads "all Zips are Zoodles, but not all Zoodles are Zips - and - all Zoodles (and Zips) are Zonkers, but not all Zonkers are Zoodles (or Zips)."
From looking at the completed diagram, we can see that the group called "Zips" is wholly included in the circle called "Zonkers," therefore, all Zips are definitely Zonkers and answer option "A", True, is the correct answer.
19.Â* Sue is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school?
Answer: 99
If Sue is the 50th best student in her class, that means she is ranked number 50. Since she is ranked 50th worst as well, this means that she must have performed better than 49 of her lower-scoring classmates. Because her position is 50 and there are 49 students who scored lower than her, there must be 50 + 49=99 students total. The correct answer option is "C".
20.Â* In a race from point X to point Y and back, Jack averages 30 miles per hour to point Y and 10 miles per hour back to point X. Sandy averages 20 miles per hour in both directions. If Jack and Sandy begin the race at the same time, who will finish first?
Answer: Sandy
To figure out this problem, the first thing you might want to do is choose an arbitrary distance between point X and point Y. In this example, 60 is an easy number to work with so let's say the distance between point X and point Y is 60 miles.
If Jack averaged 30 miles per hour from point X to point Y, he would have arrived at point Y in two hours (60 miles/30 mph = 2 hours). If he averaged 10 miles per hour on the return trip, he would have arrived back at point X after 6 hours (60 miles/10 mph = 6 hours). His total travel time would have been 8 hours (two hours to get there, six hours to return).
If Sandy averaged 20 miles per hour from point X to point Y, she would have arrived at point Y in three hours (60 miles/20 mph = 3 hours). If she averaged 20 miles per hour on the return trip, she would have arrived back at point X after 3 hours (60 miles/20 mph = 3 hours). Her total travel time would have been 6 hours (three hours to get there, three hours to return).
Sandy finished traveling first; the correct answer is "B."