up up up and away
pila last price ani??
Bro TS,ahmm sakay ko sa imong thread bro ha..
for those who are interested to buy same unit(sony erricson neo V MT11i-WHITE), 3mons old with complete accessories including screen protector and white case protector..walang gas2x..flawless back and front..battery life 10-15hrs depending on users usage considering all animations are acticated.
RFS:looking forward to buy a brand new laptop..
PRICE: 11k(still negotiable)
for faster transaction pls PM me here, +639995850384
add'l info: unrooted but with essential applications an android must have..tanx
up up still available
@soyen 9.5k last sir firm nanah
up up up and away
up up up and away
upup and away
Up up and away..
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