i'd say..kanang mamaligya kag tempura,fishball and squidball..
i'd say..kanang mamaligya kag tempura,fishball and squidball..
morag mas nice man ang ink refilling sah.. hmm.. tiguman nalang ni nakow ang ink for less.. hahaha
maow.. direct sell tipid pah
ei, tell me what you think..
with your 15k or less you can..
*pay your major bills and get rebates thereafter.
*load Globe, Smart and Sun using only your current sim regardless of your network.
*sell e-pins of virtually any prepaid card (internet, voip, gaming, call, misc...).
*transfer money nationwide and internationally (only 1%; unlike others, they get 7-10% off!).
you can...
*be distributor of tv shopping products! Exclusive!
*have discounts of about 2000 merchants nationwide.
*have exclusive privileges and benefits on major partners.
these are just a few...
pm or email me if interested... =)
or text me at 09275170247
God Bless...
@phyler - why not just post all the details, if its legal then theres no problem.
bro/sis , it does not mean its not legal if its not that very detailed...otherwise, it would require a big space for me to explain all 'bout it... and... too much detail would just confuse the reader in one way or another or create a vast array of question-making questions that lead to another set of again... questions...
also, if you just know. this is a way to filter the readers.. to know who is the more "interested" or the "business minded" that would make such notices.
and well, if you just read all the other topics here in biz forums, my style is just similar to others. see it?
so... i don't wanna spoil this thread...
let's be professional here.. be a real ISTORYAN
peace! :mrgreen:
@naykat:i like your suggestion but how can i reach you?gusto ko magdistributor sa imng product dis is my contact number u can text me at 0910-367-9616 or email me machette72_skr@yahoo.com.this coming sunday April 22 naa nko sa cebu!!!see u soon!!!godbless!!! :mrgreen:
@naykat::i need your contact number so that i can start!!!godbless and more power to all istoryans:mrgreen:
Detergent business...nice ni kay consumables man, pirmi gamiton sa mga tao. Text me if interested at 09173205662
I'll give you my oppinion of what to use your money on. I seriously don't think that you should get a franchise for 15k or less, because you'd be getting a piece of crud. I have friends that started those little pizza or dimsum stalls, they never made money in the end.. And you need more than the total franchise price to begin the business.. What if you start losing money? you'd need running capital in the bank as well. Retail businesses are always more capital intensive (I've heard). The more pricy franchises are always more profitable and reliable. Have you thought about small candy vending machines? They're not too expensive to purchase, and they're easy to maintain. You could place them in schools, canteens, offices, supermarkets.. anywhere! Of course you'd also have to make an agreement with the area owner.
Thats all.
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