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  1. #101

    Default Protect our seas and create job security and healthy environment and healthy you

    Four Pangasinan Areas Affected by Red Tide

    Red Tide – Is this not the same “technology” used by the “Heavens” against the Egyptians during the time of Moses. Plague after plague due to stubbornness of the Egyptians to release the Isralites. We forget history and are bound to repeat the mistakes done by others.

    The “Heavens” work with nature – our transgressions are our own makings. STD’s, Herpres, Gonorhea, Syphilis, AID’s etc., are the Heavens punishments against our “transgressions”. All these problems are self-induced, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Nature only reacts and responds to our abuses against Mother Earth. This is no different when we get flooded. Abuse of our forest and trees and we get punished by the “heavens”. Lots of collateral damage from our greed, many innocent people have to pay for the greed of the few.

  2. #102

    Default Manipulating Nature

    Four Pangasinan Areas Affected by Red Tide

    Red Tide – Is this not the same “technology” used by the “Heavens” against the Egyptians during the time of Moses. Plague after plague due to stubbornness of the Egyptians to release the Isralites. We forget history and are bound to repeat the mistakes done by others.

    The “Heavens” work with nature – our transgressions are our own makings. STD’s, Herpres, Gonorhea, Syphilis, AID’s etc., are the Heavens punishments against our “transgressions”. All these problems are self-induced, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Nature only reacts and responds to our abuses against Mother Earth. This is no different when we get flooded. Abuse of our forest and trees and we get punished by the “heavens”. Lots of collateral damage from our greed, many innocent people have to pay for the greed of the few.

    As skeptics would say - “The great flood could have been just mythical and imagination of some dubious authors ??”

  3. #103

    Default Going organic

    Please see above site. I hope most people in the Philippines will hopefully realize the quality of organic produce – producing the way nature intends it to be and not mass produced for profit while destroying the environment. Working with nature and not against nature.

  4. #104

    Default Work with nature and go for the natural

    Genetically Engineered Goats to "Carry" New Malaria Vaccine

    Please check above site. The US companies, can do whatever they want to do with their food as long as they don't feed it to us. For aquaponics - we go for the natural and work with nature. Many if not all those health issues emanate from the unnatural and processed foods that we eat. Perhaps zombies will become a reality sooner than we think..engineered in - engineered out, engineered food - engineered mind/body.

  5. #105
    Elite Member fred1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: Manipulating Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by EsoyLegaspi View Post
    Four Pangasinan Areas Affected by Red Tide

    Red Tide – Is this not the same “technology” used by the “Heavens” against the Egyptians during the time of Moses. Plague after plague due to stubbornness of the Egyptians to release the Isralites. We forget history and are bound to repeat the mistakes done by others.

    The “Heavens” work with nature – our transgressions are our own makings. STD’s, Herpres, Gonorhea, Syphilis, AID’s etc., are the Heavens punishments against our “transgressions”. All these problems are self-induced, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Nature only reacts and responds to our abuses against Mother Earth. This is no different when we get flooded. Abuse of our forest and trees and we get punished by the “heavens”. Lots of collateral damage from our greed, many innocent people have to pay for the greed of the few.

    As skeptics would say - “The great flood could have been just mythical and imagination of some dubious authors ??”
    --------->strongly agree....

  6. #106

    Default Making your own fish feeds ??


    Making your own “Fish Feeds”, some creative ideas from Africa. Free fish feeds, do it yourself. Vietnamese, China and Thai's know better than to waste their time with laborious techniques as shown in the video, they work smart and make nature do the work for them, giving them more FREE time. Philippines as I observed, mostly just buy feeds - the easy way, zero thinking needed., feed all you can, till you get dead fish.

    My drive is towards zero energy, zero waste, zero carbon, zero effort, teach how to produce fish (and vegetables) rather than giving fish.

  7. #107

    Default Friendly bacteria, the good, the bad and the ugly...

    List of Fermented Foods & Vegetables that Can Heal Your Gut

    Please check out above site - Understanding your friendly bacteria, make peace with them, this is basic to health and important in understanding aquaponic processes and the role they play.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Health begins with the food we eat

    kaon ta og saging hehe

  9. #109

    Default Work with nature and go for the natural

    E.Coli Warning from Excessive Antibiotic Use

    Please check out above site.
    Nature fights back - just when we thought we built the worlds best mouse-trap mother nature will produce a smarter mouse. We can never win the race against mother nature. Let's work with mother nature rather than working against mother nature. It is FREE - mother nature works 24/7 FREE.

  10. #110

    Default Teach them how to fish and they eats for a lifetime

    I hope that someone is able to reach out to President Aquino and tell him there is a better way, rather than just giving fish, we can teach how to produce fish (and vegetables as bonus). Learning how to produce fish(and vegetables) for a lifetime of sustenance. The billions of Php investments will be more than worth it.

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