aw... himoa lang nilang kataw-anan... wla sila na uwaw asa sila karon?

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aw kung naay mgbogal bogal sa akong pamilya brother piti gyud ang nawong.... mokaon gyud ug bato... hing ana ko bro masuko kung daoton ang pilipinas sa dili nako ka pamilya.... ako as landscape photographer, nag sge ko ug post sa mga nindot nga landscape sa atong nasod... para makita ang kanindot sa Pinas bro... ng gastos ko para lang makita ang kanindot... nya naa ray mo bogal bogal ug buhat ug video ug i generalized ang Pinas? yatiiiii ra....

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Makatawa man lang ta ninyo. Ug naa diay mosulti's tinuod, ato diayng ilansang sa crus? Magbawa jud ninyo ug l*bot.
tanan man ilang gbuhat i think palpak.... and wla nila tanawa asa ang BIGFOOT karon ngtokod... kung wla sila ganahi ngano naa man diri ang BIGFOOT? ngano naa man sila diri ng skoyla? hinaot unta nga after pgbuhat nila sa video mo hawa dayon sila diri sa Pinas.... mkasabot pa sguro ko... pero kung moabot pa sila ug pila ka toig dri.... aw kita ray gboang...

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mao na resulta..kay palpak man ilaha project nga "deep gold"! hahaha..
paeta.. nawad-an ko bilib sa mga taga big-foot..
abi nko proud sila sa Cebu..
sayang mo nga company!
oyyyy looy ra diay kaayo ka inday kay wla ka kabalo asa ang nindot sa pinas? tagaan tikag pamasahe para mka soroy ka asa ang nindot sa pinas.... kay imo ra naadtoan diri sa pinas puro bati.... basin ng focus raka sa laing nasod kay gi ganahan ingnon nga nalibot na nmo tibook kalibotan?

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@yanong, huh? are you sure that im that kind of person nga mutuo abig amerkano ngsulti? hahaha homygosh! im anything but mainstream. believe me, dili ko muuyon kay tungod lng gisulti ni polano or polana. i can think and i make good use of my brains.
now, on your issue nga gigeneralize ang tibuok philippines. dili ba gud to generic iyang gisulti nga problema sa atong nasud? very generic, very pinoy. im sorry if it offends you or some other people here, but that's just how i view things. im not the kind of person that gets angry if reprimanded, told im wrong, etc. i even like to be told when im not doing well because i dont like to hassle other people, i dont want to be some kind of a nuisance to others. and what this dude said just hit home that i could never say he's being unfair to filipinos. it's the truth, deal with it. and you only give weight to the negative things he said, he also said positive things about the philippines. but of course, being pinoy that we are, we cry foul because we heard negative things and make it our life's purpose to criticize him for being honest, but we never even applauded the guy for the positive things he said. gusto ninyo bias? tsk tsk responsible journalism also equals unbiased views so if you want "responsible journalism" (even though they're not journalists) then it's just right that they present the ugly since they also presented the beauty.

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for me walay sayop nga gamiton niya ang title nga "Philippines" coz it's common in the philippines, very generic. butang nato mubakasyon sa mga tourist spots ang mga langyaw, asa mn diay kuno sila muagi? maagian mn gihapon nila ang cebu, ang manila since diha man atong mga major airports for international flights. are you suggesting that we should condone to false advertising? muana ka "it's fun in the philippines" but when the tourists arrive, they see manila or cebu prior to going to their desired destination, unsa mn ilang makita? "FUN"? so makaana sila, "bakakon maning mga pinoy uy, fun ba nga naglabad akong ulo pag-abot nko!" samukan mn gani ta nga locals ta. kng dili mo gusto nga igeneralize ang philippines, then let's change "it's more fun in the philippines" coz obviously not all places in philippines is fun.
well not for me, kung akoy naay 20 reasons nga di gnahan sa osa ka country ako i specify kung asa dapita... mao nay responsable nga pag disiplina. unsaon pgka hibaw asa sayop kung imo itodlo ang tibook balay nya kung ang guba kay naa ra sa CR?

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well i also have 20 reasons why i don't like america, canada, australia, germany and other countries. it's my opinion. whether i'm right or wrong, it's mine. that's how democracy works. just like those late night shows whether jay leno or david lettermen. they can say whatever they want. freedom of speech and expression. we don't have to take it negatively, it can be an eye opener.

di ko mo oyon bro... imo diay ingnon ang mga taw nga "mata namo dha sa pilipinas!" kung ang uban kay ngmata na, naningkamot? imo gyud i tudlo as tanan? point it out kung naa kay di gnahan sa osa ka lugar.. dili tanan as philippines

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it was his opinion. we're free to say what we don't like in other countries. even ako pinoy there are some things i don't like diri sa pinas... well time to wake up!