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  1. #11

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    if you know dirty moves, and you know BJJ, and you know hot to headbutt, and u know how to bite, and u know how to pinch, spit, pressure point, eyegouge fishhook. etc. mao nana

  2. #12

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    Quote Originally Posted by BADDOG2003
    mao ba. Cg lang practice nya ta sinyalan inig anha nako diha sa Hongkong 3 years from now.....
    Ingana lang ko kanus-a baddog... oki ra magtrain ta diri sa HK.

  3. #13

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    Quote Originally Posted by kyla_bacs
    i'd stick to BJJ if i want to grapple and get a submission. proven naman god effectiveness niya sa grappling og sa MMA.

    effectiveness sa streetfight? we'll never know which MA is better in streetfights. all we can do is prove it in MMA tournaments. and thats what Rorion Gracie did in 1992. He proved to the world that BJJ is better than karate, TKD, pancrase (ken shamrock), Kung Fu (jason de lucia) in any weight class. but now, most MMA fighter has BJJ background so now it depends on the fighters strength, endurance, speed to determine the outcome of the fight. ex. Royce vs Matt hughes this is BJJ vs BJJ, Matt won, he obviously was the stronger one.

    with regards to dumog, unless there will be a Dumog fighter that will fight in fearless, URCC or local MMA. we will never know its effectiveness in MMA. but as of now, local fighters from Deftac Negros topteam are the ones dominating local MMA and they are practicing BJJ.
    Of course, BJJ and other grappling systems can train in for tournaments because they have rules when training. The same way sa dumog traininig kay daghan ug drilling rather than beating each other over the head or cutting each other to ribbons. Same difference. The problem I have with arts practiced in the public sector is they are comparing their very best guys against Joe Blow in other arts. "Renzo Gracie could beat him". Of course, Renzo Grace could beat most anybody, because he is a professional fighter who fights for a living, but nobody in dumogeros goes around saying, "Tatang Ilustrisimo could have beat him," because we all recognize that Ilustrisimo was somebody special. It is up to the individual what level one attains. Just because someone trained in BJJ doesn't mean he will fight like Renzo Gracie, or Renzo Gracie will suddenly appear and save him when he gets in trouble.....

  4. #14

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    all im saying is that BJJ art was proven effective and it affected MA's around the world.

    unless there would be a contradicting fact about this, then i still prefer BJJ than any other art.

  5. #15

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    Murag wa pa kuy ma tampo diri da..kay wala paman gud ko nakasugat ug dumog or bjj..basabasa lang sa ko diri..he he he

    basta as of now nahan ko mo apil ug bjj tournament. Labaw na kung langyaw ang opponent

  6. #16

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    No offense to anyone, i hope there's none taken... but the thread comparing two martial arts has degenerated into something of my kung fu is better than your kung fu... guys, this is an age old question that noone can answer... seriously... it generally is left to the individual who applies these techniques.... the fighters in the ring or cage are defntely very good fighters, and the question of whether or not they can beat multiple opponents... well u leave that to luck.. if one fighter faces two equally skilled fighters... you think he has a chance? he kicks one guys balls and runs out the door... but do u think thats actually fighting? he may have survived (and technically won) but is that fighting? i dont mean that everyone should stand up and take blows... coz thats not the right thing to do... avoid fights right? and i honestly think standing up for yourself in a multiple opponent scenario is plain stupid...

    BJJ may seem clean and very friendly.. but we do have our dirty tricks... why we dont practice these in training is because of the concept of randori which is free sparring by eliminating all the dangerous techniques so we dont have to spend half our time recovering from these techniques.. we choose the safer ones and use them from there so we get to feel resistance of a live opponent... can u imagine if someone bit you while yoru sparring or gouged your eyes... den ull have to get stitches or surgery.... and mind you, you only have two eyes.... if you spar twice and the guy gouges each of your eyes then... u cant see after two matches... right? sooo what im saying is... BJJ may seem sterilized... but its origins arent... its a MARTIAL art... a lot of guys who have not undergone fromal BJJ training may not have the opporunity of learning our dirty past... but we do have them... and we know when to apply them.... peace guys...

  7. #17

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    AMEN NORMSTER25, hows the training with going guys, you joining the PGl in manila? or your gona wait for it to come there in cebu, hope you guys the best, i really did hope i had more time to roll with you guys, see you soon.

  8. #18

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    No MA is better than the other . It boils down to the practitioner of the amount of knowledge he or she has acquired and the application it has put on . Regarding organized MMA events , it will only prove the disciplines EFFECTIVENESS as a SPORT and not as a SELF DEFENSE in the real world scenario and the mean streets of this cruel world . WHy ? Because MMA events like Pride , K1 and UFC has rules and regulations , even the early UFC matches where Gracie dominated which a lot of people debated its efectiveness is unclear because though the absence of the weight class and protective gear , you have to tap out . In the real world , there is NO TAPPING OUT much more on being the true NO HOLDS BAR event .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  9. #19

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    Which means each system has to prove on the streets? Now, who would take a lesson on the streets nowadays? I don't think BJJ or Dumog would go far this kind of situation. Tan-awon kuno nato ug asa dapita sa system ang mas mulungtad ug diha na sa streets ang fight. Very undertandable ang explanation ni normster25 but I would like to ask him if that dirty fights does BJJ have, is that for one opponent or 2 or more opponents? Kicking of the balls and run out to survive from a fight is still part of tactics... and tactics we always see them in martial arts... if one has the opportunity to fight quick and get on the next opponent, I wouldn't hesitate kicking his groin. Dirty it is! I've seen BJJ fights here in hong kong ang they are respectful when it comes to fighting because one has to do that and live for another day of training... as Sprinfield mentioned, there's no TAPPING out in any mean streets. If you go for ground fight and there are 2 or more opponents, who would win? Scenarios like these have given us opportunities to see what is fighting inside the ring and what is on the streets.

    Now, I don't think BJJ guys would go stand up grappling? 90% of BJJ fighters go for ground because that's their world... that's how they fight and win it. Dumog on the other hand would go for all areas of fighting. If spitting doesn't look martial art - but it sure does a tactical way of getting your attention out of the opponent's punches, kicking, gouging, or slapping... would you take a spit from your opponent during a fight? of course not! Luud! I'm not comparing apples and oranges but there are areas that BJJ and Dumog has a lot of differences... BJJ wins a fight and Dumog don't or vice versa... but I have not seen a dumog players fight in the ring and if they do... it will be interesting to watch.

  10. #20

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    bjj vs. dumog really depends on the rules at hand and the person using it, i was taught krav maga and yes everything is a weapon, whereas if we go compete in the ring/mat/cage wherever sanctioned by rules, if i lose i go home and cry to my gf, and she makes me lugaw, then i train the next day, but when i lose in the streets, can i go home still? the answer is no, there is no rules to survival, much like animals, lions have to be bigger so they can take on bigger preys, cheetah have to be faster because they are smaller than lions an so on, no style is defined for complete survival, my instructor told me the style doesnt make it effective, the person makes it effective, the names of styles are only there so that we know what to call it, krav maga for example is simply translated from hebrew close quarter battle, jiu jitsu is gentle way, scars (navy seals "used" is a combination of bjj, mt, kali etc.) this so, its not the name or the style but the person, think about this article

    now tell me what style did he use so i may study it.

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