Hello to All,
I have heard that some people are having excess payments with their plans. (even though facebook app ra ila gigamit daw?, don't also know which particular app they are using)
I'm planning to get 1 or 2units of these units/plans from Smart..., however..., I'm a bit wondering about their 'unli social' stuff (unlimited facebook updates?, unlimited yahoo messenger chat?, etc...)
as what I'm currently thinking from reading..., ang usage sa unli facebook/twitter/etc kay dili di-ay ni via the normal android app ug normal twitter app? kung dili, sa kaning app made by smart
wala sab ko kita ug review/screenshots on their so called "social stream" nga app sa smart which uses the 'unli' stuff
wala pasab ko ka handson sa Galaxy Y with the Smart Plan
how does this work (the unli social stuff) for you?
+/- comments are welcome, please enlighten me.