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  1. #131

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    You seldom see casualties sa mga US based frats because they rarely involved PHYSICAL ENDURANCE .

    Sa Philippines , ni exist ni siya but not to the extent patyon ang neophyte . Mahutdan ug myembro if mao na kalakiha mao I am strongly emphasizing that mao naya casualties is and tungod kay naay mga irresponsible individuals who abuses and maltreats the recruit .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  2. #132

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by chris_bern View Post
    HAZING is just like the issue of corruption.. dili sya mawala-wala sa ato society nga survival of the fittest..

    ayaw na lang ka tingala TS kay maski asa ka nga kalibutan muadto naa jud nang HAZING kung muapil kag fraternity or sorority..

    naa pa man gane uban nga ang RAPE, MOLESTATION, PEDOPHILE ug uban pang ngilngig na binuhatan e apil pa man gane sa initiation sa uban just to prove their worth as a member.
    sad but true.... "JUST TO PROVE THEIR WORTH AS A MEMBER". Bisag karon wla ko kasabot ngano kinahanglan mgpatayay. Syempre sobra sa hazing muresult jud ug death.

  3. #133
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    You seldom see casualties sa mga US based frats because they rarely involved PHYSICAL ENDURANCE .

    Sa Philippines , ni exist ni siya but not to the extent patyon ang neophyte . Mahutdan ug myembro if mao na kalakiha mao I am strongly emphasizing that mao naya casualties is and tungod kay naay mga irresponsible individuals who abuses and maltreats the recruit .
    Indeed. Some of these initiators are downright sadistic. Dili kaybaw ug restraint or not to use excessive violence. I know the great majority of these initiators are not of the sort, but the very few individuals are usually the ones who make it to the newspapers. Ma-sensationalize na nuon ang violence.

  4. #134

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by cliff_drew View Post
    Dili gyud na mawala ang "hazing" either joining a group, organization, fraternity or club. Doing good on your grades, lossing weight, doing silly and foolish acts in public etc. are just examples of initiation or hazing before admission. So IMO, hazing does not literally mean initiating physical violence abuse like paddling. So the ethics there is... it is just a test of your involvement, doing sacrifice for the group or brotherhood/sisterhood. But paddling/physical abuse is another story. The law prohibits this. The ethics? NOTHING.
    it's sad that you seem to use the terms "initiation" and "hazing" interchangeably as if they are one and the same.

    i understand that there will be some form of initiation, one way or another, in joining most, if not all groups. they see it as a gatekeeper to maintain the group's sense of exclusivity, to keep joyriders out. this is, after all, one of the logic of creating groups; to set members apart from the rest of the population with the membership as a mark of distinction. hazing, being one form of initiation, is the thing that i am wondering about, not the entire initiation process as a whole.

    Quote Originally Posted by æRLO View Post
    It's a sort of spiritual aspect of entering into a group. Murag christening bah or baptism (by fire). It's like forming a shared bond with your comrades through shared experiences during entrance and acceptance into the group. The PMA, West Point, Annapolis even sports teams--practically any sort of brotherhood/sisterhood has a hazing ritual. It's not an exclusive ritual to greek letter frats. I know some of these rituals can be extreme, pero that's the ethos of certain groups.

    i think i can understand the first part about a shared bond through shared experiences. typical friendships are usually strengthened by these, and to institutionalize and ritualize such experiences can understandably enhance its potency.

    but why does its initiation rights have to take the form of violence and humiliation when at most times such acts run counter to the philosophy of the organization: goodwill, brotherhood, charity, volunteerism, leadership, etc.? this is the ethics issue that i am wondering about.

    is the expression of these ideas that the groups supposedly stand for, too weak to warrant an initiation process? or do its members lack the imagination to express these ideals through its initiation processes?

  5. #135

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    nalubong na c marvin..hope lng madali ni iya case bacin maabtan nsad ni 21 years bag-o ma sulbad..

  6. #136
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by icarus_ View Post
    i think i can understand the first part about a shared bond through shared experiences. typical friendships are usually strengthened by these, and to institutionalize and ritualize such experiences can understandably enhance its potency.

    but why does its initiation rights have to take the form of violence and humiliation when at most times such acts run counter to the philosophy of the organization: goodwill, brotherhood, charity, volunteerism, leadership, etc.? this is the ethics issue that i am wondering about.

    is the expression of these ideas that the groups supposedly stand for, too weak to warrant an initiation process? or do its members lack the imagination to express these ideals through its initiation processes?
    It's the same essence as like say a blood compact. It's kind of like proof of loyalty to the group. How much pain or physical endurance is a neophyte willing to endure to become part of the whole. The concept is to present fear (pain/bodily harm causes fear, being humiliated can cause fear) to the prospects and rid of the unwilling. The question in mind is to what extent would someone be willing to take to become one of us--that equates to loyalty. But as the overseer of the rites, it is their responsibility to make sure it doesn't become to extreme--unfortunately some of these initiators do not know the meaning of restraint.

  7. #137

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    latest update on the hazing victim...

    Third hazing victim surfaces ; Third hazing victim surfaces | Manila Standard Today

    THE third victim in the alleged hazing by the Lambda Rho Beta fraternity where San Beda College of Law freshman Marvin Reglos was killed showed up at the Department of Justice Friday.

    Justice Secretary Leila de Lima disclosed that she personally had a meeting with the new witness, who was accompanied by his mother in offering to help in the investigation being conducted by the National Bureau of Investigation.

    “He did not want to be placed in the [witness protection program], but he will cooperate in the investigation. He will execute an affidavit recounting [the hazing] incident,” De Lima said in an interview after the closed-door meeting with the witness.

    De Lima disclosed that she saw bruises on the body of the victim that he supposedly incurred during the initiation rites.

    Contrary to an earlier report, the DOJ chief clarified that the third victim was never in critical condition. He just went home to his province after the alleged hazing because he is suffering from a congenital heart ailment.
    De Lima did not disclose the identity of the new witness pending the execution of an affidavit, just like the second victim who earlier sought help from DOJ and was already placed on witness protection.

    But a television report earlier quoted police investigators in identifying the two as San Beda law students Jan Darrel Iringan and Omar Suhibil.

    “The victim is now being questioned by NBI investigators so we cannot yet share at this time any information coming from him,” De Lima said.

    She also said that the NBI would soon meet with probers from the Philippine National Police for a case conference where they would consolidate their initial findings.

  8. #138

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by æRLO View Post
    It's the same essence as like say a blood compact. It's kind of like proof of loyalty to the group. How much pain or physical endurance is a neophyte willing to endure to become part of the whole. The concept is to present fear (pain/bodily harm causes fear, being humiliated can cause fear) to the prospects and rid of the unwilling. The question in mind is to what extent would someone be willing to take to become one of us--that equates to loyalty. But as the overseer of the rites, it is their responsibility to make sure it doesn't become to extreme--unfortunately some of these initiators do not know the meaning of restraint.
    maybe it is just me, but i find it a dubious test to loyalty. anybody can endure such pain and humiliation, but is not exactly a guarantee of loyalty. and it is equally fair to say that those who cannot endure it cannot be loyal as well.

    what it seems to prove, however, is a neophyte is willing to go through something that might be totally opposite to what the organization stands for, just to belong. and i find this quite sad.

    what i am looking for is a re-imagination of the entire initiation process wherein the positive ideals of a fraternity is incorporated in this very process, not exhibiting it's opposite at the start of a neophyte's membership. doing the later seems to exhibit the weakness of the very ideals that the organization seems to be standing on, that or simply members do not understand these ideals, hence the inconsistency.

    while i believe you might be looking at the entire thing as a procedural error in the part of the initiation overseer, i am looking at it as a systemic error in the twisted irony of starting a good thing by doing its complete opposite.

  9. #139
    C.I.A. cliff_drew's Avatar
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    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by icarus_ View Post
    it's sad that you seem to use the terms "initiation" and "hazing" interchangeably as if they are one and the same.

    i understand that there will be some form of initiation, one way or another, in joining most, if not all groups. they see it as a gatekeeper to maintain the group's sense of exclusivity, to keep joyriders out. this is, after all, one of the logic of creating groups; to set members apart from the rest of the population with the membership as a mark of distinction. hazing, being one form of initiation, is the thing that i am wondering about, not the entire initiation process as a whole.
    That's why I pointed out not to literally define "hazing" as physical violence/harm -- in which your post also seemed to point out the same thought. People think that way if you read back pages. The Anti-Hazing Law prohibits "hazing" when it involves physical violence.

  10. #140

    Default Re: hazing claims another life

    Quote Originally Posted by cliff_drew View Post
    That's why I pointed out not to literally define "hazing" as physical violence/harm -- in which your post also seemed to point out the same thought. People think that way if you read back pages. The Anti-Hazing Law prohibits "hazing" when it involves physical violence.
    hazing is physical violence and/or humiliation. (Hazing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). hazing is a form of initiation, hence those terms should not be used interchangeably.

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