Found this Public Service Ad from 1957
The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957 - YouTube
Life of a farmer and his family under a hypothetical Communist rule in the Philippines. This public service ad was made and probably went in rampant broadcast during the height of the global Soviet aggression in events leading to the Cold War. After WWII relationships between the Allies and the Soviets deteriorated, countries that were under Soviet influence were quickly occupied through political reforms or the military. The West would not tolerate this and the event would lead to the division between the Free World countries and the Communist Block - the veiling of the "Iron Curtain".
The Philippines being in close relations with the US and the West was greatly affected and underwent several Communist insurrections under the banner of Leninism, Marxism and Maoism in what is called a protracted "People's War" ironically under the pretense of independence and nationalism (this goes on to this day). However, history tells us that countries that followed the socialist path more often then not went to extreme hardships in economy and suffered the limit of or distortions in practicing freedoms, rights and social justice.
The film is somewhat caricature by today's standards but is still spot on regarding the transitional life of free citizens to Communist rule.
Note: No trolling please, and no excessive smileys... comrade..