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  1. #1

    Default The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    Found this Public Service Ad from 1957
    The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957 - YouTube

    Life of a farmer and his family under a hypothetical Communist rule in the Philippines. This public service ad was made and probably went in rampant broadcast during the height of the global Soviet aggression in events leading to the Cold War. After WWII relationships between the Allies and the Soviets deteriorated, countries that were under Soviet influence were quickly occupied through political reforms or the military. The West would not tolerate this and the event would lead to the division between the Free World countries and the Communist Block - the veiling of the "Iron Curtain".

    The Philippines being in close relations with the US and the West was greatly affected and underwent several Communist insurrections under the banner of Leninism, Marxism and Maoism in what is called a protracted "People's War" ironically under the pretense of independence and nationalism (this goes on to this day). However, history tells us that countries that followed the socialist path more often then not went to extreme hardships in economy and suffered the limit of or distortions in practicing freedoms, rights and social justice.

    The film is somewhat caricature by today's standards but is still spot on regarding the transitional life of free citizens to Communist rule.
    Note: No trolling please, and no excessive smileys... comrade..

  2. #2
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    US propaganda. it's a pity how socialism has been tarnished this way. the misinformation is just laughable.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  3. #3
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    I like how the PSA emphasized that under a communist government, cock-fighting will be banned, aside from the other values like family, religion, women, and property. I'm sure that would be the last straw for a lot of Filipino men during that time. The U.S./western propaganda machine back then was subtle compared to its Soviet counterpart, but extremely effective. Now it's even more subtle to the point that it is subliminal, but also even more effective.
    Last edited by æRLO; 03-03-2012 at 12:53 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb View Post
    US propaganda. it's a pity how socialism has been tarnished this way. the misinformation is just laughable.
    over-rated yes, but does it show what really communist govt do? yes.... is'nt the idea of communist govt is to have centralized control of the society? socialism in pure form is ok... but no socialist govt afaik followed the pure form of socialism...

    i dont think the ads is showing pure socialism... in theory its good... but once it is applied its a different story and normally it goes the other way around...

    been red before and good thing i didnt end up dead, now its better be dead than red...
    Last edited by salbahis; 03-03-2012 at 05:42 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    The idea is very good. But to have a reliable people to implement it is a different topic. I was once introduced to this kind of idea, but no other than my philo teacher who is an activist up to now. To be honest nindot jud paminawn. But i really doubt with the kind of people who are involved to this kind of idealism will implement it as it is meant to be if they were given a chance.

  6. #6
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    Communism is good in paper, but it doesn't leave much room for other human variables, so in the end it doesn't work. But no system is perfect. Socialism--It's good in the short-term, given that you have an able leader, because the state is able to initiate, implement and facilitate massive mobilization of the industry (like Stalin's 5-year plans).

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    Quote Originally Posted by æRLO View Post
    Communism is good in paper, but it doesn't leave much room for other human variables, so in the end it doesn't work. But no system is perfect. Socialism--It's good in the short-term, given that you have an able leader, because the state is able to initiate, implement and facilitate massive mobilization of the industry (like Stalin's 5-year plans).
    in every system its always the leadership that is the problem... power corrupts even for those in faith...

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    nice find ts.. IMHO i would agree that there is no perfect system, just that its the people who made them better or worst.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    Quote Originally Posted by æRLO View Post
    Communism is good in paper, but it doesn't leave much room for other human variables, so in the end it doesn't work. But no system is perfect. Socialism--It's good in the short-term, given that you have an able leader, because the state is able to initiate, implement and facilitate massive mobilization of the industry (like Stalin's 5-year plans).
    if that's what you are saying then communism is not really bad after all.... its us who is not capable or not willing to reach such state

  10. #10
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Philippines Under Communist Rule PSA 1957

    ^The main concern is that the government holds too much power. The state can implement whatever it wants. This is good if the autocracy is headed by people who truly put the country's interest first before any other. A communal state is very ideal, seemingly the right direction towards a utopia. Unfortunately, if the power falls under the hands of the wrong person(s), the state will fail because the power vested in the leadership is too great. Note that communism and autocracy are two different things with similarities.
    Last edited by æRLO; 03-04-2012 at 01:44 PM.

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