2.5K-3K. Medyo dako2x na unlike before that will only take 800-1K
2.5K-3K. Medyo dako2x na unlike before that will only take 800-1K
3k fixed!with 1 aircon, 1 lcd tv, 1 laptop, 1 refrigerator and lights kung gamiton..
700+ per month sauna nga 1 pc pa mi kay 170 hehe.
1,500 jud to 2k. ako ma byran..
cge man ko aircon gud.. cge sad ga on ako pc..
same ta u dilemma @ cesski...mine is 7k+ each month almost 8k na. We tried those power saving gadgets pro they didn't work at all, although naa jud mi friends nga ni work sa ila ang gadget. is it also possible that it's due to our electric connection jud? Basin wla matarong pag set up bah, set up lng kung set up...Balo ani, i just hope fellow istoryans can help
basin gi wire tap mo dha.. ako bill is 7 to 8 hundred.. naa ko ref, 2 laptops, 2 tv, microwave, 2 electricfan ug hometheater.. cge na ko watch ug movie ana mga 2 to 3 movies a day.. lap top cge mag on like for 8 hours.. pa check na.na bro.. naka tap jud na for sure..
hmmn...dagko-a sa inyo electric bill oy. mine is only 500-600 a month. we only rented a room. our appliances in daily usage tv- 10hrs, aircon 0.60hp set at low- 6hrs, rice cooker 11/2hrs, electric fan-12 hrs, laptop-2hrs.
one ac,3 fan,1 ref,iron,microwave,tv
3600 2aircon,ref,oven & despenser
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