HOLD usa ang pag SALE...
duha2x ang tag iya... but feel free to make an offer if youre interested.
2 houses in 2 lot (2 titles) totals 677 square meters
located in Babag 1, Lapu2x city
30 meters from the road, with road right of way
both properties are perimeter fenced, gated
1st house 2 bedrooms 1 t&b, 80 sq.m floor area
2nd house 2 bedrooms 1 t&b approx 40 sq.m floor area
1 extra t&b within the compound
Clean title
5 minutes to Mercado, Virgen sa regla church, etc.
15 minutes to airport, mepz1, savemore
RFS: Moving back to our old house sa city para mas duol kay way sakyanan and need funds for immigration
priced at
4500 per square meter
Please call 09324452008 if interested...

01 agustin tumulak road or CY Potot St going to babag 1

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