dli mana para kigwa, para bitok manaOriginally Posted by slakker
How Do You Get Pinworm?
Pinworm infections are contagious. People become infected by unknowingly ingesting microscopic pinworm eggs that can be found on many different surfaces, including:
* bed linens
* towels
* clothing (especially underwear and pajamas)
* toilets
* bathroom fixtures
* food
* drinking glasses
* eating utensils
* toys
* kitchen counters
* desks or lunch tables at school
* sandboxes
The eggs pass into the digestive system and hatch in the small intestine. From the small intestine, pinworm larvae continue their journey to the large intestine, where they live as parasites - their heads attached to the inside wall of the bowel.
About 2 to 4 weeks after a person acquires the pinworm eggs, adult female pinworms begin migrating from the large intestine to the area around the rectum. There, they will lay new pinworm eggs, which trigger itching around the rectum.
When someone scratches the itchy area, microscopic pinworm eggs are transferred to their fingers. Contaminated fingers can then carry pinworm eggs to various surfaces, where they're able to live for 2 to 3 weeks.
If you're wondering if your family pet could give your child a pinworm infection, it can't. Pinworms don't come from animals.
hehehehe, mokatawa ra ang kigwa sa combantrin. hahahhahahhaOriginally Posted by slakker
ingon cla kana konong hilig mo kaon og isda especially kinilaw, inon-onan, sinugbang isda etc. basta isda nya poor og hygiene most probably kigwahon jed dapat naay fruits inyo diet para daghan fiber sa lawas nya wla kigwa
fiber will not protect you from getting kigwa or bitok. and actually fruits can be a good host for this parasites kung dili nimo tarungon ug hugas. bisag kinsa lang gud mo hikap sa prutas nya wa ka kabalo the previous person who touched the fruit you ate has kigwa or bitok. basically anything na hugaw is a good breeding ground for intestinal parasites. A GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE IS YOUR FIRST DEFENSE!Originally Posted by uzumaki
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