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  1. #61
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    thrilling kaayo ang istorya.. dili nako hapit mabiyaan ang libro..

  2. #62

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    A lot of people actually shares the same opinion that the prequel to "The Da Vinci Code" is better than the sequel. But I think The Da Vinci Code got more crtics cramming and slamming because of the implications it presents. It is an old argument that seems never to find a grave probably because there is no absolute proof to present one side to be a fact. The Church however got a head start being an institution.

    Angels and Demons however is indeed got more thrills (in my opinion as well) compared to the other. I just hope the third book will be that interesting as well.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    yup u better read Deception Point and Digital Fortress, grabe....i cannot admire any other author... never ending thrills... the thing is,when you read the books, it makes your mind think, u wanna be solving the mysteries yourself, and his books-- every new book brings new information, some of them are true and existing, so an additional knowlege in your brain is a benefit, makes the books not just entertaining but educating as well

  4. #64

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    True...sadly, some people thinks otherwise.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    i think a movie adaptation of ANGels and Demons is coming soon because it was flashed in the DVD version of Da Vinci Code... i can't wait to see this in the big screen... after reading this book, i felt na genius na kaayo ko labi na sa physics.. dan brown's works are truly awesome

    i just wonder who will play vittoria and the camerlengo in the movie?

  6. #66

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    the story was so nice and thrilling. i finished reading the book in less than a week. i'm also done reading his 2 other books, Deception Point and Digital Fortress. nice novels! :mrgreen:

  7. #67

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    mas ganahan ko ani kaysa sa da vinci.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    for me mas ayos ni cya kesa sa da vinci code, pero daghan kaayog loopholes ang story especially sa later half..

  9. #69
    mrsBeoR Galadriel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    the book is a page turner and everything is an added information. so sad, google can't give a very clear photo of the ecstasy of St Therese. everything, akong gi search while i was reading the book. CERN and its logo, i compared it to Gunther Glick's symbologist interpretation. The ambigrams are also something to look at. (mas gi una nako ni ug basa, ang sa book club wa pa nako na concentrate ug basa...hehehe). reading the book made me wish I was in Rome to be able to look at the works of art described in the book.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Dan Brown: Angels and Demons

    [color=navy]@Ma'am Galadriel, have you tried looking at the Official Website of the author Dan Brown. I think you fill find its gallery "illuminating" in regards to the plot devices used in the book Angels and Demons.

    Here is the link below.

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