thank you sa reply sir. ako na g tuyo nga e wash out ang some part sa iyang face ky akong g achieve ana ky "HIGH KEY" Photography, mao bitaw na g tawag ug high key sir ky e blown out niya ang bright color pero reserve niya ang iyang contrast, some definition sa "High Key A light image that is intentionally lacking in shadow detail." mag ka malan gyud sa uban nga ang high key ky over exposed ky wla nay detalye...
Kato nga link nga akong g hatag nimo sir usa na sa mga highkey photo sample...
Bytheway sir para nimo unsay Definition nimo sa "Highkey Photography"?
thank you sir........

Originally Posted by
I am looking at 27" calibrated display monitor, it looks over exposed when i first saw it, saw your reply and i downloaded the photo to re-check. akong gi tan aw sa LR histogram and still it's over-exposed, also the link nga imung gi post is over exposed iyang photos. Except for one photo.
Blowing out Highlights sir is not a huge problem (for me lang) but when "important" bright parts of an image are "washed out" or effectively all white it's no good nah!
A photograph may be described as overexposed when it has a loss of highlight detail, while a underexposed image when it has a loss of shadow detail.
Hope it helps sir. Keep on shooting.