-please post A MUST SHARE pics of YOUR (not from the internet/google/websites) PET (dog/cat/rat/cockroach
-photos can be your pet alone or with you and your pets. (basta naa inyo pet, hinaot di lang background inyo pet
no quoting of pics please
-you can share the story of the photo or something you want to say and if you can, include the name aron mailhan sila... it's time to shine!
-PHOTOS of the PETS must be your pet! not your neighbor or friend's pet! don't even get one from the internet. why? because this thread is where pet owners can show their pets and show that they're proud of them!
-anyone could also POST their reactio to the photo but please
no quoting. (kapoy scroll)
-no discussion that is not related to the picture. meaning? if you post here (with or without photos) your post must be in relation to the pictures posted here and not discussing pet stores, tips about taking care of the pets.. you should PM nalang the istoryan.
please make this thread FUN, PET FUN, and clean.. aron di ma close ang thread coz it's been really fun so far!
game? i dunno if there's another rule we should apply but if you have some ideas please share.. let's just keep this thread fun!...