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The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360 is, Thankfully, Still Very Much The Witcher 2
batia aning us version consoles oi, wala gyud us region nga football games... kasagaran nice games kay asian region man...
pwede ba ni iswap ang console from us-version to asian-version?
Witcher 2 Xbox 360 console exclusivity explained
If you're looking for a game to drag you kicking and screaming away from Skyrim, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings may be up to the task. It's a completely different kind of RPG, but it scratches much the same colossal pence-per-hour itch. Speaking to OXM in our new issue, on shelves next week, CD Projekt's Konrad Tomaszkiewicz and Jakub Stylinski explained how the PC epic found its way to Xbox 360... but not to PS3.
Can you guys tell me where to purchase EA Skate 3 Original Disc, wala na sa i-tech og data blitz. I desperately need the game, region: asia. Kung naay na maligya ani please tell me. TY!.
good am bro ask lang ko where to buy xbox 360 slim 4gb? kana wala pa ma modd
glossy white 360s coming to town!ambot lng dri sa atoa naa bah kaha mag stock
morag limited edition man toh, morag gamay ra na. well hopefully basig igo2x rasad maabot dri XD
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