ey guys i got a gossip to share to you. im just gonna vent it here coz its still part of DJ'ing.
last friday we went to MO2 bar coz i met-up with my friends. you know what, all i can say is the spot was terrible.
the service sucks big time but the most disappointing of all was the DJ. i was so upset. coz what happened was, observation wise,
1. he doesn't know how to mix well especially transiting from one song to another. it was very disturbing IMO.
2. he's not clean during transition and climax of songs.
3. A mortal sin to all DJ. - its the terrible playlist. its like he played We found love then after he played a "diskoral" trance song. its like, nice song, terrible song, nice song then terrible song again. such a disappointment. who will dance to his style? nobody wants to dance on a terrible playlist. he got some nice songs there but i think he intentionally mixed some bad songs just to lengthen his DJ'ing time not mindful of his crowd if they like the music or not. in other words, he's a rip-off.
4. exploiting on flanger. he knows no other fx.
5. the audio was too loud. it was such a pain in the ears. when we went out, it was as if my ears were bleeding from the excessive "twitter" or high-pitch sound.
all i wanna say is, if you are still an amateur DJ, please dont use a club/bar as a place to practice coz for one, no customer will want that and two, you'll spoil the reputation of the bar/spot and you might be the reason why the business will go downhill.
and to MO2, please no to cost-cutting. i would suggest you hire decent expert DJ's please. its still worth it.
kinsa toy expert DJ diri, pangapply mos MO2 mga bros. control the dancefloor and show 'em what you got.